Haunting my thoughts

Start from the beginning

"Ah love! It drives every men crazy! Don't you think so, my little puppet?" he asked as he activated Anilozy.

The puppet of the Winkie girl approached and said:

"Yes, of course it does, Jester! And to think I dared to use this to exploit you and sell you to the enemy! How blind was I! And mean too! Could you ever forgive me!" answered the girl, .... or at least he made her say what he wanted to hear from her.

It's only when he looked at her .... that his smile faded. This ....... this thing looked dead! .... He tried to avoid this fate to her! And now! ....... But he couldn't let her free! His plan is almost complete! Maybe after .....no! Not even after! He had to keep her under control! But this wasn't her! But yet why did he care? Why did he care in the first place? Argh! All the twists and turns of his mind!

"Hhmm ....ok, you know what? You look rather ...pale, my little .... puppet ?! How about you just lay there on the wall for awhile huh?" he said as he deactivated the Winkie girl and placed her back on the wall.

"There! You'll feel better! Rest!"

He looked down as he walked away toward the window, before looking at the horizon. Then he regained his posture thinking that Dorothy Gale was on her way! He had to stop her!

But before he could have thought of a plan.....

"Woah!" yelped Philisius as he tried to catch himself from losing his balance and falling but hurting his shoulder against the prison wall in the process. "Ouch! Ah, taught me better than to live in the past...." he groans as he stroke his shoulder.

He was sure that it was gonna leave a mark.... oh well, at least his nose wasn't broken! Groaning as he stroke his harmed shoulder, he got up and continues to observe the king's silly little game. It seems so idiotic to see him gazing at the moon like that, with so much admiration. Especially to embodying it of a girl who abandoned him not once but TWICE!

"That fool! He's lovestruck in every fibers of his straw body!" mocks the ex Jester. "Almost makes me pitying him." as he then looked down on the portion of the street.

He observed the people making last preparations before tomorrow's évacuation, finding it funny to see them hurrying like chickens before a storm. ... Until his eyes caught sight on a couple just a tiny bit worried, like they would go through this if never apart from one another. He felt his heart stinging him, having the illusion of him and Anilozy, when the two of them were together under his sister's wrath.... But he departed from the window and sat on the floor of his cell while sulking.

"BLEARGH!" he groaned as he mimicked to belch the word out, getting rid of the imagery. "Almost made me throw up, those idiots!"

But then again .....

She was the one who started it all....

The sister of his acquaintance was coming to the door where she was imprisoned, carrying food and water. As she approached, the guards blocked the access to the door.

"Please sirs, I have to bring her something to hold up in there! She's already cold and isolated in the dark, we can't forbid her from nourishing herself!" pleaded the brunette.

"The witch ordered us to not let anyone near or in! And forbids anyone to give her food!" answered one of the guards.

"Oh please have mercy on her! She's already freezing cold in the dark, what more could you possibly want to a child of your own country? She's part of our people, surely you could loosen up while the witch isn't watching!" she tried again.

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