Chapter 28 ~ Some things are better left HIDDEN

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Caroline nodded as Bonnie left to go to Aurora's cell, leaving Caroline alone with all the blood in the cooler

She reached for her favorite blood type B+

As she was looking at the blood bag she saw Tyler walking by she soon stopped him with "Tyler can we talk"

"I guess" he said as he rolled his eyes, He was still mad at Caroline for saying "I'm beginning to question whether our relationship was ever worth it"

She then put the blood down and began "I wanted to apologize, I shouldn't have said that our relationship was never worth it, because that's not how I really feel, our relationship was the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm so sad that it's over, but I would like it if we can try and be friends"

"I don't get you Caroline," Tyler began as Caroline finished her sentence and when Caroline showed a confused face he continued "one minute you think our relationship is dust the other it's the best thing that ever happened to you, Why do you keep confusing me?"

"I was angry with the way you broke up with me, I was protecting a secret from you and I made a promise to your sister that I wouldn't tell you, how could you be mad at me for that, I just didn't understand why you broke up with me for what I did, but I'm over it" Caroline said in a convincing smile

Tyler then looked Caroline in the eyes as he said "you're right I shouldn't have broken up with you that way but you of all people know how much my sister means to me and the fact that you lied to me about something regarding her sent me over the edge"

"I'm sorry" Caroline said with a sad expression on her face

"I forgive you but I still can't be with you, relationships are about trust and you didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth, but I do hope we can be friends" Tyler said as he looked Caroline in the eyes she then smiled at him,

For the first time in a while Caroline and Tyler were on good terms and they wanted to keep it that way so they weren't going to screw it up again

As Caroline was about to speak again they heard Tiffany shout "hurry we need to do the spell now"

Caroline and Tyler then smile to each other as they ran to Aurora's cell


They were all standing outside Aurora's sell besides Tiffany, Freya, Mary and Bonnie, they were on the inside of Aurora's cell holding hands and chanting the spell to get rid of the Hollow once and for all

Color est per hoc saeculo (let this one float through eternity)

They kept chanting that incantation until they saw the unexplainable

they witnessed a blue orb of energy floating out of Aurora's body and they witnessed it blow up, they didn't know if that was a good sign or a bad, but they did know one thing, Aurora was Aurora again

Aurora opens her eyes and they flashed blue for just a millisecond before they turned back to normal

"Aurora?" Mary asked as she walked closer to Aurora

When Aurora saw Mary her eyes lit up and she quickly stood as she smiled at her blond lover

Mary realizing Aurora was back ran up to her and pulled her into a passionate kiss, That they will forever cherish

The Return Of An Unexpected Lockwood *Book 1* ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt