Chapter 2 ~ Some People can't keep a SECRET

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Tyler's POV

We we're all confused we didn't know how she knew Rebekah we didn't know why she was friends with her but I did know one thing she doesn't know about the supernatural world so she doesn't know Rebekah is a threat but I think it's safer if she's kept in the dark...


we were all in the Salvatore boarding house and we were talking about what to do about Tiffany whether to tell her or to leave her in the dark we tried to decide what would be best for her...

"I don't think we should tell her" I say as I look at them all and cross my arms

"Why?" Bonnie asks

"It's safer if she doesn't know" I say as I look at Bonnie with wide eyes

"Safer for who" Elena asks angrily

"My sister, safer for my sister" I say angrily as I look at Elena and she looks at me with sympathy

Elena looks around the room and says "Fine"

"How does she know Rebekah" Caroline asks as she sits on the couch

"I'm not sure" I say as I look at everyone

Damon looks at me with wide eyes and says "well find out"

"Don't tell me what to do" I shout as everyone flinches

"Tyler?" Caroline whispers as she looks at me with wide eyes

"I'll find out I'm doing this for my sister to be clear I'm not doing this for any of you" I shout as I storm out of the mansion

Caroline's POV

Tyler has always had anger issues but for some reason the need to protect his sister always brought it out, When she was gone he would be happy all the time laughing playful but when she's back he would go through high and low to protect her it's one thing I don't like about him sure he likes to protect his sister but that's all he cares about whenever she's around, it'd be better if she just ran away again...


Tiffany's POV

I'm in my room just sitting on my bed thinking about everything I put my family and friends through but I made a promise to Bonnie that I wouldn't run again and I intend to keep it...

"Tiffany? Tyler told me you were back, Are you here" I hear my mom yell from downstairs

"Tiffany? Tyler told me you were back, Are you here" I hear my mom yell from downstairs

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