Chapter 19 ~ POSSESSED

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Elena's POV

Me, Tiffany and Damon, Were all sitting in the Salvatore boarding house parlor

"We have to get Stefan back" I said as I stood up and started pacing while looking at Damon and Tiffany

Tiffany rolled her eyes and stood up as she said "maybe you can leave me out of this"

She was about to leave the house before I stopped her with "what you can't bail on him, The whole reason he's in this mess is because you bit Damon and he needed to get a cure"

She was at the door facing it as she turned around with a face full of rage "He tried to kill me, So forgive me if I'm not rushing to help him"

Tiffany walked out the door and slammed it behind her as I whispered "Selfish Bitch"

"That's my girlfriend you know" Damon said as he stood up and glared at me

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as I said "yeah your girlfriend who is willing to let your brother go"

"True, so how are we going to get him back" Damon asked

I explained "there's a bonfire tonight and we're going to trick him so we can kidnap him and put him in a cell and torture him until he brings his humanity back"

"Damn that's dark" Damon whispered but I could still hear him

"I know but I'm doing this for his own well-being" I explained as I crossed my arms and glared at Damon

Damon nod's as he asks "who else is in on this plan"

"Alaric, Tyler, Caroline and Now you" I explained

Damon's eyes go wide as he asks "Is Tiffany okay with Tyler being in on this"

I shrugged as I said "We don't need her permission"

"I-I guess not" Damon stuttered as we left to meet up with everyone at Caroline's


Tiffany's POV

I had left the Salvatore boarding house and I was walking past the grill when I felt shooting pain go through my head and next thing I know I was on the ground paralyzed, I didn't know what to do, Then I heard footsteps approach me but I couldn't look up to see who it was

I heard a familiar voice say "Time to do this"
I recognized the voice instantly it was Aurora


I woke up tied to a chair in the middle of a circle of candles with Aurora standing before me

"What the hell is going on" I asked as I tried to break free but they were too tight it just kept getting harder
it was like quicksand, I try to escape and I sink even faster

Aurora crossed her arms as she said "come on you guys can play nice and pretend to be my friend but I know that you guys all know I'm the hollow, and I'm pretty sure you figured out that I want to possess you so I'm getting right down to the point"

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