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Trails of filth behind me faded,
And wheels through some more grot, waded,
Blemished seemed the earthy beauty,
Like a big black blot ,on a spick - span lot.

Gross , nauseating and miasmic it seemed,
And deep beneath the phantasmic,
wiped clean, by urban drab,
Bleak it appeared, out of green.

And further the wheels trudged,
Hindered by trash(till eyes could see) that ever budged,
Until came into sight, the majestic white,
High above the horizon, beaming bright.

Ah! What a feast to sunken eyes,
Such enchantment, what divinity there lies!
Realm of feathery fluff, yet with a prideful puff,
Spread its mane into the vast infinity.

Some clashing like waves surging,
Against lofty cliffs, waging a fierce war.
While trancing is the milky gush
Soothing and tranquil,
Splashing against fairy rocks,purging and ethereal.

Snowy forests arrayed across the ocean of clouds,
Bountiful cushions knowing no bounds,
Steamy and foggy, yet pious and pure,
The wheels unshackled glided free through the airy dream.

Up on the mighty hills  "saiyunkoku" paradisian ,
Dazzling, warm by golden rays,
felt it ambrosial,
Celestial and surreal an episode translunary,
Traceless was the earthy kingdom and its dirty reality.

Venturing along, enshrouded crypitc mysticity,
The wheels went on, unaware of velocity,
However long shall an ephemera last ?
Occured the thought, as the sombre drew closer in sight.

The endless white seemed to meet its end,
As the bellowing dark, through the milky ocean wend,
Sucking and gobbling the whititude,
Poof, it disappeared into the murky Blackness.

Struggled the wheels from a saccade,
As though rushed by thunder, hounding in a cascade
Familiar the feeling, needed no confirmation,
Disenchanting the flossy laputan , the revolting unravelled.

Such is the earthial plight,
Where, ephemera is a flight in futility,
For life to rot in endless grot,
Is the fated doom of the earthling's lot.

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