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Intro:This is a pure experiment of a whole new level for me...Tried figuring the emotions, the feelings of a personified OldAge ...Intended to bring forth the layers of insecurities and issues faced by the aged through, 'aging' itself...😏Well hope this experiment doesn't delude you from the actual message...I hope you guys will enjoy it...😊

Unlike sun's blinding golden glimmer,
Lack-lustre I'm without shimmer,
That I do not and can not ever possess,
While stuck midst dreary grey dullness,
Will I ever see a colour bright?
Gasp I for this thought gives me a fright,

Smiling sunflowers" wither and die,
None left but field Brown, barren and dry,
Harbinger of pale weariness sickness and death,
Poison am I choking youth's honeyed breath?
Fear me my hosts like "Grimreaper" I were,
For 'Nemesis death' fear they bear.

Sick and tired of me are Ulysses and kings,
To my hosts my arrival misery brings,
Born and reborn like phoenix am I,
To bear my host's heavy-heavy sigh?
I am what they call "The autumn of age",
Appear I, when the host of mine enters dotage,

But then, am I just what my host sees me as?
When I believe my arrival great significance has,
For I possess the autumnal charm,
And to none I mean any harm,
It is me who to my host brings freedom,
And maturity of ripened fruit and mellow wisdom,

I am one who delivers peace and leisure,
And my host for me, enjoys retirement and pleasure,
Even if I stay forever grey,
For my host's

heart to be green I pray,
Indeed, geezerhood I am, bitter and sweet,
Appear I when my host enters dotage...

"A graceful and honorable old age is the childhood of immortality. "- Pindar

So (aged folk) hold yourselves with dignity and keep the child in you alive, instead of cursing oldage, and (younguns) learn to accept and respect oldage, coz it's not a parody of your life but a transition into a better and a wiser you. Besides it's not oldage that makes you grey, but an old mind. Keep your mind and heart evergreen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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