"I actually wanna invite you to a barbeque party tonight" he said almost too eagerly. "And get this" he paused for a second. "My treat". He's now wearing a very proud smile on his face waiting to be commended for the delightful news that he just spoken.

"That's very nice" Gun smiled back.

"Ummm. You're the one inviting so its obvious that you should pay duhh". Thats just Champ being Champ.

Type, who was actually listening to their conversation laughed at Champ's remark. "That's so funny Plan. You don't even want to spend a single penny for a juice. You even annoy Gun just to buy you lunch. Poor captain". Type continued laughing as he pat Gun's shoulder.

"I'm serious. If you don't want it then you don't have to come. And just so you know, I have enough money to buy P'Gun Gatorades for the whole semester". Plan made faces at them before quickly running to the locker room.

"What did that kid ate to just all of a sudden invite us to barbeque?" Type inquired.

Champ shrugged. "We've known him for a year and he never treat us to anything. Hell he would even make us pay for his bottle of water"

"Guys don't be like that. Maybe he really doesn't have enough money" Gun tried defending Plan.

"They are not even that poor, I know his family, we live in the same neighborhood. Were just as poor as them but I never abused your kindness did I?" Type gave Gun a questioning look.

"Now that I think about it, if I'm as gluttonous as him I'd also probably spend all my allowance in one sitting at the canteen" Champ was laughing as he said those words and Type laugh along with him.

"Let's not be like this".Gun has a disappointed look in his face but the two ignored him as they continued laughing their asses out.


Gun arrived at Good's house. He was Plan's bestfriend, and he said that Good's parents are out of the country so they can have the house all to themselves. Good agreed to use their house as long as Plan pays for everything.

What Gun saw in the house was not what he was expecting. He thought it was just a simple barbecue treat with the team and maybe some of Plan's personal friends but boy he was so wrong. From outside the house he can already hear a loud upbeat music being played coupled with loud voices of the people inside. Its a straight up party and Gun never went to party like this. His mother doesn't allow him.

He dialed Champ's number and immediately asked him after he picked up. "Hey where are you?"

"I have to do something but Ill be there in like 40" Champ replied. "And by the way Type cannot come, he'll be out with Tharn"

"Really? Ok then please hurry, I dont want to stay here any longer"

"Ok I'll be quick". Champ hang up. That leaves Gun hesitating whether to go inside or just leave. His mother only allowed him to go because he said its just a barbecue treat. His mother would be so mad if she find this out.

He was about to turn his back and go home when someone shouted his name and ran towards him.

"P'Gun" Plan beamed as he hugged their captain almost too roughly. "I'm so happy you came"

"Uh.. yeah" Gun is still hesitating. He wants to tell Plan he was gonna go home.

"Where's P'Type and P'Champ?". Plan let go of him before asking.

"Type can't come and Champ will just have to follow later"

"Ok then lets go inside now. Were playing and you need to join us" Plan then dragged him inside the house. Gun thought maybe its just a fun barbecue party and he's just thinking too much. Maybe it ain't that bad.

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