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Hi guys, I'm super excited to share this new project with you all! I know my presence on Wattpad has been weird lately, what with the starting new stories only to realize 5 chapters in that they werent worth reading, thus they weren't worth writing.

I was feeling a little bummed last week, worried that I'd never get another good story idea again. Then, in the least likely of places, inspiration struck.

I have spent the past couple weeks obsessively outlining this story from front to back (trust me, ask a few of my Wattpad buddies, they could tell you how crazy I've been 😂). It's been worth it because it's helped confirm that im passionate about and in love with the story and the characters. I'm positive this story will be my new Beer, Spaghetti, and Pharmaceuticals, where my passion was so strong, it would be impossible to abandon.

I hope you have fun in Paradise!

So much love❤️

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