Chapter 14// Halloween Special

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you ready to go? Claire's here." He says.

I nod and jump off my bed to my feet. Time to accomplish another mission. I follow Seb out the house, meeting Claire with a hug at our front door.

They walk beside me along the footpath with their hands intertwined. I sigh quietly to myself. Great. A day of third-wheeling with these two. A few cars drive past on the cobblestone road as we reach the main street. I'm not even sure exactly where we are headed.

"We all go to this cute shop on the main street that has the best costumes." Claire had said to us when we were discussing the party the day before.

The two of them suddenly stopped in front of me and Claire turned into a shop, leading Seb and me after her. The inside was decorated with spider webs and skulls and witches cauldrons. Some costumes hung on the walls but most were on the racks that lined the shop.

"Hi there, can I help you?" the lady from behind the counter asked us. A witch hat sat upon her head and she wore a t-shirt with a ghost smiling on it.

"Hey Mrs. Darton. It's me, Claire." Claire reminds the old lady as she approaches the counter, leaving me and Seb behind her with questioning looks.

"Oh Claire sweetheart I barely recognized you." The woman says patting Claire's hand. "It's been so long."

"Yeah I know. Sorry but I don't have much time to chat Mrs. Darton, we have to find costumes for a party tonight."

"Ok then dear. Give me a yell if you need anything."

I start to search through the rows and rows of all kinds of costumes. Most of which are completely lame or dangerously slutty.

"Hey Emily!!" Seb shouts unpleasantly. I frown at his outburst as he heads towards me. "I found the perfect costume for you!"

He holds up a gold and silver egyptian costume.

"Oh I get it. Cleo, Cleopatra. My lame nickname that you stupidly created. Very funny." I say sarcastically, adding a short fake laugh. He frowns.

"Why are you so grumpy? Loosen up already and have fun. You're ruining this for us." he says more seriously and quieter. He leaves with the costume and back to Claire.

He is painfully right. I need to let my hair down and enjoy this.

I keep searching through the costumes and pick out a few to try on. They hang over my arm as I head to the changing rooms.

None of the costumes I pick really suit me. There was a ghost, then a Greek goddess, and a goblin thing.

"I thought they looked great." Claire tried to comfort me.

"How about I help you two look then we'll sort me out later." I suggest, frustrated and ready to go home. She nods and we keep looking.

Something red catches my eye. I spin on my heels and slide the other costumes further down the rack to get a better look. Oh this is perfect.

"Ohh Seb." I say in devious tune. He wanders over as I pull out the costume. "This has you written all over it."

He smiles and takes the outfit from me. "I think this could work."

We show Claire and she almost hits the roof with excitement.

"I found the most perfect costume for me that goes so well with that!!!" She shrieks. They both disappear into the changing rooms. This could take a while.

I wander over to the counter where the old lady stands folding pieces of costumes.

"How goes the shopping dear?" she asks kindly.

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