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"Thankyou! But seriously, I'm starving now, we should get our selves food, where are the others?"

"At the makeup room, waiting for us."


Since i joined Bighit, Jungkook  has been avoiding me, i don't know what's up with him, but he always ignoring me, and giving me a cold shoulder, what did i do?

"Wah! Chicken!!!"

Who ever thought that ordering fried chicken now is a genius and deserve all the love in the world.

"You are so noisy, it's just a regular fried chicken!"

Okay, someone is on his men period.

"Okay, do you want me to get you a tampon kook?"

Yeah bitch, fuck with me again i dare you.

"What is your problem kook?" Taehyung asked.

Yeah, what is your problem? What did i do? You were so nice and funny!

"Whatever I'm not hungry anymore!"

Good, his portions are mine then, be a brat all you want bitch.

"Yah! Come back here kookie! Or say goodbye to your banana milk!"

What a baby.


"Did i stuttered?!"

Oh this is entertaining.

"Ugh, fine okay!"

What? I'm still having his portions or nah?

"What do you think you are doing with my chicken?!"

Kissing every single of it curves

"Make out with it." I said as i remain unbothered.

"I didn't remember giving you a permission to eat it!"

I didn't ask for your permission.

"You left it unwanted."

"Well now i want it!"

"Yeah? Get your attitude right on me or you aren't getting your chicken back!"

The rest of the members just enjoying their chicken without care.

"I'm not in a mood to play with you Anne, now give it back to me!"

Then try harder bitch.

"Yeah? Be honest with me, what's up with you? Why are you so mean to me all of the sudden? Ever since i joined bighit, you're being nothing but a total asshole!"

"Me? Mean? Oh hoho, ever since you joined Bighit you always spend your time with Taehyung hyung, and never with me again! You always play with him, most of the time! It's like you are abandoning me!"

Is he serious?

"Woah woah woah, i always asked you to join our hangouts! And you always say no!"

"Well I'm sorry but i don't enjoy third wheeling you and Taehyung!"

What is he talking about? Third wheeling? Taehyung and i are just friends!

"Are you on crack? Is that it?  Because Taehyung and i are just friends! And we are close because unlike you Mr.Jeon, he is so sweet and kind, he welcome me just like the others, so don't try to put the blame on me! You are the one who being non sense!"

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