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Emory and Alexa now sat alone at the dining table in the ballroom. A lot of the wolves who had been there for breakfast had finished and gone about their day.

"Have you checked in with the double-mint twins today?" Alexa asked, referring to Emory's older brother and sister, Ezekiel and Eliana.

The last time Emory had talked to them was when she told them her and Alexa had arrived in Hillwood yesterday afternoon via group text.

Speaking of texting, she couldn't believe she had left her phone in her luggage this entire time. Face palming herself, she said, "I'll have to remember to call them once I get my phone out of your room."

"Don't wait too long Em',"Alexa warned her. "You know how they get when they think you're in danger."

Alexa was right. Emory's brother and sister had other powers that knocked her measly ones out of the park. She'd have to talk to them soon to tell them that she'd found her mate. Alexa reassured her that she could invite them to the pack house for her upcoming Luna Ceremony, whatever that was.

Hopefully she could also gain more clarity on Fallon's true identity, that is if he's not who he says he is. Eliana and Ezekiel would no doubt be able to find out for her.

Nevertheless, Emory's true focus was on Fallon's whereabouts. He and the council members had left shortly after they'd all finished their breakfast. He still hadn't acknowledged her before he left.

"Where do you suppose Fallon is right now?" Emory asked Alexa.

Alexa rolled her eyes, "I suppose he's in his office."

Emory blinked at her.

"Third door from his bedroom. On the left," she said annoyed.

Emory kissed Alexa on the cheek and darted up the staircase toward Fallon's wing.

Once there, she knocked at the door of his office.

No response.

She could feel his presence on the other side of the door so she pushed it open. The room was filled with councilmen and Fallon who all looked over at her like she had three heads.

She hadn't even smelled or heard the other men in the room which was odd, but she figured Fallon must've had some sort of magical repellent to hide their scents and voices.

Fallon's face was hard; his expression unreadable. Emory smiled at him, "Do you mind speaking with me during a break?"

His facial expression hadn't changed in the slightest. "Leave."

The councilmen all turned their attention back toward Fallon who sat at the head of a large wooden round-table.

Emory was taken aback by his response, but she persisted nervously, "I-I—."

"I said leave."

Emory quickly shut the door and stepped away from the room.

What had she done to upset him? She wasn't sure what to do, but she hadn't seen Greg in the meeting with the other councilmen which meant he probably snuck away to be with Alexa.

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