Chapter 6

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"Mom? Dad?"


Instead my dream ending then and there as it usually does, I could see a guy that looked about my age (the age I am now).

Even though it was slightly blurred I could see he had bright red dyed hair. I've never seen him before.

The blurred figure walked up to me and cupped my chin, lifting it ever so gently so I could look into his brown, mocha eyes.

"Tyler.. Tyler.."

"Tyler wake your a** up!"

I immediately jumped up, hitting my head against something hard.

"Sh*t man!" Brendon groaned loudly, rubbing his temple.

"Sorry." I mumbled out, rubbing my head as well.

Bren let out a long sigh. "Dude what were you even dreaming about, you're sweating like a f*cking pig."

I rolled my eyes. "You know just one of those dreams.

He finally stood off the bed so I could get up. "Ooo was it a wet dream?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I looked at him, narrowed my eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Yeah I do." he said, bursting out laughing. "Now hurry up so you can help me pack. A-Dog talked to the headmaster so we can skip a little bit of breakfast."

"Please stop calling Andy 'A-Dog'."I laughed out as I slid my shirt on, then my pants.

"Hey he says it's sick!"

"Just sick or sick as frick?"

"Just sick." he mumbled out, dropping his head dramatically.Drama Queen

"That's what I thought my friend." I said, wrapping my arm around his shoulder as we both walked to his room.


"So what's this family like?" I asked, putting some stuff in a bag. Brendon didn't have much stuff so we were just stuffing some in just one small suitcase.

"Dude they're super chill. The mom's hella nice and the dad's cool.And the mom makes sick cookies!"

I let out a small laugh. "That's cool, I'll have to try 'em some time when I get out of here."

"Dude you make it sound like it's jail."

"It's close enough."

We both stared at each other and then busted out laughing.Dang I'm gonna miss this.


After we finally finished packing, we made our way to the cafeteria to get some quick breakfast before classes started.

Everyone was enjoying themselves;Ryan was whispering who knows what to Brendon making him blush like crazy, Frank and Gerard were arguing about which sitcom is the best, Patrick and Pete were complimenting the frick out of each other, and Mikey was staring at this one kid who I thinks name was Ray or something like that.

I was just busy writing in my journal, trying to tune everyone out. I wasn't trying to ignore them or something, I just enjoy quiet sometimes.

"Hey what's that?"

I jumped a little at the sudden sound of Mikey's voice knocking me back to reality.

"J-just some personal stuff." I stuttered out shyly.

Mikey just shrugged it off and nodded. Him and I are both super shy and kinda what people would call the 'not talkative' type. Also we all know how we all ended up here so we kinda all have that sort of understanding.

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