Let’s go, bring it on. Better give us what we want.” Uma and her goons sang as they waved their weapons around. “It’s the wand for the crown. If you don’t it’s going down.”

Let’s go. Make your move. Peace or war, it’s up to you.” Hailey sang along with the other VK’s and they pounded their fists on the docks. “Give him up and do it now. If you don’t it’s going down.”

We want the wand, or else the king is gone.” The goons pointed their swords over to Harry, who tauntingly held up a pocket watch. “Your time is running out. You should really watch your mouth.”

Hailey met up with the others behind Mal, all of them doing the same moved. “Let’s go, pound for pound. We’re prepared to stand our ground. Put your swords up. Put em’ up, it’s going down.”

Make the trade, or walk the plank.” Uma sang as her goons danced behind her, swinging their swords in various of styles. Harry pushed Ben onto the plank, spinning him around in the process. “Make the trade, or walk the plank.”

Mal turned to her friends, her eyes asking them for guidance. Hailey nodded, telling her to do what she had to. The purple haired girl sighed before turning around. “Okay, look. This is not a conversation, it’s a do or die situation. If you don’t give me back the king, I’ll have to hesitation. I’ll serve you right here, and I don’t need a reservation. That way your whole pirate crew can have a demonstration. Release him now and we can go our separate ways, unless you wanna deal with me and the VK’s.”

Uma laughed as she gestured towards her friends. She wasn’t intimidated at all. She knew she had the upper hand in the situation. “So that’s your big speech, huh? An empty ultimatum.”

All it takes is one swing and I’ll humiliate him.” Harry stepped forward, getting in Mal’s face. Jay walked forward, being Mal’s backup in case Harry went too far. “All it takes is one wrong look and I’ll debilitate him. And even if he starts to slip, I’ll eliminate him. All it takes is one wrong look and I’ll-“

“Harry!” Uma called out, grabbing his hook and pulling him back. “We get it. Chill.”

Jay pulled Mal back as the pirates sang. “Let’s go. Bring it on. Better give us what we want. It’s the wand for the crown. If you don’t it’s going down.”

Let’s go. Make you’re move. Peace or war, it’s up to you.” Hailey moved to stand on one side of Mal while Evie stood on the other side, their glares never losing their harshness. “Give him up and do it now. If you don’t it’s going down.”

We want the wand, or else the king is gone. Your time is running out. You should really watch your mouth.” Harry taunted them again, toying with Ben on the plank. Her pushed him even further to the edge.

Hailey was already irritated and beyond tired. These guys were just making it worse on everyone. Hailey traded spots with Carlos, letting him take her place behind Mal. “Let’s go, pound for pound. We’re prepared to stand our ground. Put your swords up. Put em up, it’s going down.”

Carlos handed Mal the wand. She was ready to walk forward and make the trade until Ben spoke up. “Hey, we don’t have to choose. We don’t have to light the fuse. Mal, whatever you do it’s gonna be a lose-lose. There’s gotta be a better way. Uma, I promise I’ll give you your chance, you’ll have your say.

Silly King. You’re gonna give me a chance? Well not a chance!” Uma sang as he goons sang their chorus behind her. She pointed her sword over to the young king before sliding it over to Mal. “Make the trade, or walk the plank.

Mal held the wand out, offering it to Uma, who simply shook her head. “Hold up. Too easy. Why don’t you give it a test drive? We wanna see it work.”

Hailey shared a worried glance with Jay. There was no way they would be able to prove it was a real wand. Her eyes moved around their surrounding, widening when she landed on Dude. “Hey Mal, why don’t you give the dog a voice?”

Mal seemed to of caught on. She waltzed to the side of the dock, pointing the fake wand over to Dude. She thought for a moment before speaking. “Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word.”

She waved the wand as if it were real. Dude stood still, his eyes never moving from the scene in front of him. Mal sighed. “Talk dog!”

“Does this vest make me look fat?” Hailey sighed in relieve, visibly relaxing when he spoke. They could still pull it off after all. It was a good thing he failed obedience school.

“Give me the wand!”

“Give me Ben!”

Uma hesitated for a single moment before waving Harry over. “Harry, bring him over.”

Her wingman brought the king over, forcing him on his knees in front of Mal. Harry cut him loose upon his boss’ demand, grumbling about his lack of fun. At the same time, Uma released Ben as the wand was handed to her.

Hailey moved forward, grabbing the king’s arm, trying to pull him along. “We need to go. Now.”

Uma waved the wand, trying to use it’s power, but as expected, nothing worked. They couldn’t get Ben out of there fast enough. “You do not get to win every time!”

Hailey quickly handed Carlos her bag, letting him take out the smoke bombs as Jay handed out the swords. She grabbed one, the familiar sensation of wielding one after so long making her smile. It had been so long since she had to use of them.

Carlos began shooting the smoke bombs using his sling shot, taking Uma and her goons by surprise. Hailey nodded in approval. “Nice going Lettie.”

She tossed her boyfriend a sword as the pirates swung over to the docks, cutting them off from their exit. They would have to fight their way out of this after all. At least they didn’t have to worry about Ben being pushed into a bed of sharks.

Hailey swung her sword, fighting the girl in front of her. Their swords clashed together several times before she pushed her over the edge, sending her into the water.

She started fighting another one as soon as she finished the last one, her sword clashing against a boy’s this time. She moved backwards, as if she were dancing. She dodged his blows, striking when she got the opportunity. She heard footsteps behind her, making her turn around, dodging another one’s sword just in time.

She swung her sword at his feet, but he jumped before she could strike him. Hailey let out a puff of air before bringing her sword to the side and kicking him in the knee. As he fell forward, she kicked him in the chest, sending him flying into someone behind him.

“Hailey, let’s go!” Carlos rushed by her, grabbing her hand and pulling her along the docks. They met up with Jay and Evie. “Jay, go start the limo!”

The long haired boy did as told, taking Lonnie with him. Carlos and Hailey pressed their backs together as more pirates made their move. They swung their swords in perfect rhythm, clashing them against their opponent’s. Hailey ducked as the sword was swung at her head. She swung her sword at the man’s hand, making contact with his wrist. He hissed in pain before dropping the sword. She took that as the perfect time to push him over the dock.

“Carlos the smoke bombs!” Hailey called out. The white haired boy reached into her bag, tossing her a smoke bomb all the while fighting off the pirate. Hailey caught it with ease before throwing it as hard as she could. A dark purple smoke began to rise into the air, and they took the diversions to their advantage. They rushed across the bridge and through the tunnel.

Lonnie was waiting for them at the end of the tunnel. Hailey gave her a proud smile. “You were brilliant out there Lonnie!”

She followed Carlos over to the limo, the two of them waiting for dude to get in before they did themselves. Hailey rested against her seat with a sigh as Jay drove off, taking them far away from the isle.

They had gotten Ben back, but their fight was far from over

Nefarious ∆ Descendants [under major editing]Where stories live. Discover now