In the Winter

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Jay- Goes sledding and snow tubing, cuddles Nya by the fire, loves ice skating and hot chocolate
Kai- Isn't a huge fan of the cold, but likes skiing okay and toasting marshmallows over a fire
Nya- Amazing skier and ice skater, cuddles Jay by the fire, makes a lot of snow angels
Cole- Kills it with a snowboard, builds snow forts and igloos with the others, will drink a gallon of hot chocolate unless you stop him
Lloyd- Like Kai, he doesn't love the cold, but has a lot of fun making snowmen and sledding
Zane- Feels very at home in the snow (Gee I wonder why), uses his powers to make cool sledding paths for his friends, makes ice sculptures as well

Everyone- Has a massive snowball fight (Usually won by Wu), builds an igloo, and hangs out by the fire

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