𝟕. 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐫

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I sat with Lucy and Susan the next day for lunch. "Did Peter and Edmund tell you?" Lucy asked between a mouthful of fruit.

"Shh! Lucy, not so loud!" Susan scolded.

"No one can possibly hear us Susan. Everyone's too busy talking about Constance and Ben." Lucy motioned towards a table swarming with girls, and there, in the center of it all, was Constance. 

I shook my head, "Enough about her. As we were saying, Peter and Edmund told me everything-- about Narnia that is."

"Shhh!" Susan said once more.

"Including your's and Caspian's forbidden love," I said quite dramatically.  Lucy and I laugh as Susan turns bright pink.

"So you understand our situation with the stag, right?" Lucy says in between giggles. "What do you think we should do?"

"Well, I suggested to the boys that we should catch it. Maybe it could tell us why it's here." I took a bite of my bologna sandwich. 

"What good would that do? It's meant to grant wishes, not answer questions," Susan insisted.

"You don't know that for sure. We could at least try." Lucy ate another one of her pineapple cubes.

Susan sighed. I guess she figured it was no use arguing with her sister. "Ok then. How do we catch it? We can't just run after it."

"We need to talk it over with Peter and Edmund, but I might have an idea." Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I see Constance begin to approach our table. What could she possibly want now?

"It's a pity to see you here," Constance darted her eyes in my direction.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed. "Oh? Why is that?" 

"Well, Louie told me that a certain someone has the hots for you, Bette. I figured you would be at the Lover's Maple by now." Constance smirked.

I raised a brow, "Who could possibly...?"

Constance laughed, "Oh, I thought you knew.  Surely, Susan and Lucy told you."

I looked to the two of them, wondering what Constance could be talking about. They both looked as confused as I did. 

"Oh, don't worry about it. You're both losers, so you should get together in no time," Constance gave another crooked smile.

"Constance leave them alone." I turned to see Celia standing behind me, "You wouldn't want Dad and Mum hearing about you and Ben at the Lover's Maple, would you?" 

"You wouldn't dare." Constance's eyes narrowed.

"Oh. Yes. I. Would." Celia held Constance's gaze, not even stopping to blink. "Now off you go."

Constance gave us one last mean glare before storming off. 

"How'd you--? Thanks?" Celia takes the seat next to me.

"No problem. When you're the youngest in the family, you tend to have special privileges. Including Mummy and Daddy hanging on your every word." Celia ate a few crisps.

"Who's this?" Susan speaks up.

I realized the three hadn't met, so I quickly introduced them. "Anyway, Celia, you wouldn't happen to know what or who she's talking about, would you?" 

She paused a moment before answering. "Well," Celia started, "I remember overhearing Louie and Constance talking about something last night, and I recall hearing your name-- but I'm not sure. But it can't be that hard finding your admirer, can it?"

"Maybe you should just leave it alone. You wouldn't want to find him and then it turn out to be a strange or stuck up boy. I certainly wouldn't." Susan straightened. 

"Says the girl with half of Hendon House tripping over themselves because of her." Lucy, Celia, and I laughed.

"Hey, I never asked for that to happen!" Susan blushed, embarrassed. A/N: Idk why I made Susan get so embarrassed and targeted in this chapter. Sorry Susan. :p

"Anyway," Lucy murmured "We still need to meet up with Edmund and Peter."

"I feel like I've heard those names before. Are those your brothers?" Celia asked.

Lucy and Susan nod. 

Then the bell rings. All four of us stand up and begin to make our way out of the lunch room, throwing away our leftovers as we went. "You have English next, right Susan?"

"Yes," She shoulders her satchel. 

"I do too." I turn to Celia and Lucy. "I'll see you two later. And Lucy-- don't forget about meeting Peter and Edmund after school."

"Sure thing." Lucy smiles and starts to head in the opposite direction. Celia leaves after her, leaving Susan and I to start heading to English. When we get there, Mrs. Bancroft isn't a bit pleased.


A/n: Lilia Buckingham is my face claim for Constance. Head over to my "A Guide to My Original Characters" book to see other face claims for my other characters from my many fanfictions! xx

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