Chapter 13: Running and Swimming Pools

Start from the beginning

Without wasting anymore time I pick it up and dial Nathan's number immediately. The rings feel like an eternity as I wait for him to pick up.

"Lark?! Where are you?!" Nathan asks frantically.

"William has me trapped in his mother's house..Nathan I'm scared"

"It's okay" Nathan says trying to calm me. His voice has changed from how it was when he first answered the phone. Instead of sounding frantic he now sounds calm. The way he talks I know he's walking at a fast pace. "Stay away from him. I'll be right there"

"Nathan please don't hang up" I plead as I try to hold back my tears.

"You can do this. I'll hang up for a couple of minutes. I promise I'll be there"

Nathan hangs up and I'm alone once again. I put the phone back where I found it and go back to walking down the hallway. But to my luck as I reach the end of the hallway I hear footsteps approaching my direction and go into a small closet where I'm surrounded by winter coats.

Through a small opening I can see as William passes by. Once he's passed I slowly and carefully open the door and take off running down the hallway, meanwhile he opens the door to his room.

A door slamming sound echoes throughout the house and I know he knows I'm not there. I make so many turns and walk down hallways I feel completely lost. It's like a maze, one he knows like the back of his hand.

After much running I reach the front door, but when I try to open it the door doesn't budge. It's locked and there's no way for me to open it from where I'm standing. Taking a step towards the living room, I can hear his footsteps getting closer. Turning as fast as possible on the heels of my feet I take off running in the completely opposite direction.

I run into what appears to be the weight room and hide in one of the workout gear closesst. I can hear William's footsteps but it's hard to tell whether he's approaching the room or one close to it Suddenly I hear him push open a door and I let out a sigh of relief when I realize it was the other door. Running out of the workout room and into the hallway would get me caught, so instead I run into the pool room which is connected to the room I'm in.

"Lark!" I can hear William yell from the workout room. "I know you're in here!"

I cover my mouth to stop myself from making a noise. Crying in this moment would only give me away. I walk away from the pool door, but I bump into one of those lounge chairs accidentally making it scrape against the floor. The sound the chair makes as it scrapes against the floor is loud and I know he heard it.

I sprint towards the door and try to keep it closed as William tries to push it open.

"Give it up Lark. You lost" William laughs. He manages to push the door open wide enough for him to stick his hand through.

I reach over and grab one of those swimming boards. "Not even close" is all I say before I swing the board down on his hand, making it bend a way it probably shouldn't. When he pulls his hand back in pain I push the door closed and lock it.

I run all the way to the other side of the pool and stare at William through the glass door. He stares at his hand but when his eyes look up at me I can see pure rage written all over his face. I think he's far beyond getting me to 'realize' my love him. If he catches me I'm dead.

When William reaches down for a weight I can feel my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. I look around the room for literally anything that could help me right now. I spot a small opening inside the pool and the wall that connects it to the outdoor pool.

"Game over Lark." William says as he throws a weight against door, making it shatter completely.

Without wasting anymore time I jump into the pool. Swimming as fast as possible under the opening and into the outside pool, I manage to escape him. But it doesn't take long before I hear the sound of him jumping into the pool.

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