Dialogue Prompts

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Pick a dialogue prompt and write an Esteriki (Esteban x Shuriki) drabble/story.

1. "Have you lost your damn mind?!"
2. "Please don't leave!"
3. "Wait a minute...are you...jealous?!"
4. "I just woke up in ____'s bed."
5. "I almost lost you."
6. "Don't you EVER do that again!"
7. "Teach me?"
8. "Don't you dare!"
9. "We need to talk."
10. "Looks like we're going to be trapped down here for a while..."
11. "I can't do this by myself."
12. "I see the way you look at ____ when you think ____ isn't looking. I'm here to warn you. ____ knows, so be careful."
13. "Please? Just this once?"
14. "You're the only one I trust."
15. "You bought me a gift?"
16. "I'm pregnant."
17. "Marry me?"
18. "I thought you were dead.(!)"
19. "This isn't what it looks like, I swear!"
20. "You lied to me.(!)"
21. "I'm falling in love with you, ____ , and it terrifies me."
22. "Please don't do this."
23. "You heard me.(!) Take it off.(!)"
24. "I wish I could hate you."
25. "You did...all of this...just for me?"
26. "It was an accident, I swear!"
27. "Tell me a secret, ____."
28. "No one has to know. It'll be our little secret."
29. "Well, this is awkward..."
30. "You want me to put what where?!"
31. "You manipulated me into falling in love with you!"
32. "You can't! I won't let you!"
33. "One more word, ____ , and I swear I'll-"
34. "I love you."
35. "I hate you!"
36. "Kiss me."
37. "You want to lose that hand?"
38. "Why do you only want me when you're drunk?"
39. "Nothing I do will ever be good enough, will it?"
40. "Why are you looking at me that way, ____?"
41. "I'd say 'have a heart' but we all know you don't, so..."
42. "Stop that!"
43. "What? What did I say?"
44. "What'd I do wrong now?"
45. "What have you done?"
46. "Now you know how it feels."
47. "Don't touch me!"
48. "Why, ____? Why did you do this?"
49. "I trusted you!"
50. "____ , please wait!"
51. "It's too late, ____."
52. "I loved you and you betrayed me!"
53. "Stay away from me, ____! I don't want to see you ever again, understand?!"
54. "Just kill me and get it over with."
55. "We started this together. I guess we should finish it the same way."
56. "We're over, ____! Done! Finished!"
57. "It'll never be over, ____."
58. "You call this love?!"
59. "Do it. I dare you."
60. "You want to be treated like a ____? Act like one!
61. "There is no us!"
62. "Don't give up on me."
63. "Was there ever a chance for us?"
64. "Stop, ____. Just...stop."
65. "I can't do this anymore. I don't want to."
66. "Please...make it stop."
67. "Forgive you? You broke my heart and destroyed every dream I've ever had! Now you want my forgiveness?!"
68. "Do you love ____?"
69. "Did you just...put your hand on my ____?"
70. "Put the ____ down, ____."
71. "____ , the day we agree on anything is the day I take a running leap off the ____."
72. "Why are you naked?!"
73. "I don't know whether ____'s trying to kiss me or unhinge ____ jaw and devour my soul!"
74. "Where are my pants?"
75. "Put clothes on!"
76. "____ , be reasonable."
77. "Remind me again why I'm doing this..."
78. "You're insane!"
79. "For the last time, I'm not playing spin the bottle, so stop asking!"
80. "It always ends the same way..."
81. "Step away from the ____."
82. "Riding crops, whips and candle wax, oh my!"
83. "I'm not eating that."
84. "Make me."
85. "I'd like to see you try."
86. "Either you tell ____ or I will."
87. "What am I to you? A joke? Your dirty little secret?"
88. "I want to, ____ , but I can't."
89. "It's never going to work, is it?"
90. "Perhaps in another life."
91. "Don't ever turn your back on an enemy. They will stab you in it."
92. "I played you like a fiddle."
93. "Turn that cacophony you call music down!"
94. "Dance with me."
95. "Um...how many of those have you had?"
96. "Ooh, so scary."
97. "I speak fluent fear."
98. "Um...what just happened...?"
99. "Truth or dare?"
100. "Make love to me."
101. "You brought this on yourself (,____)."

Esteban x Shuriki Dialogue Prompt ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now