Chapter 11

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Chapter 11.

" The Los Anglais Anime Convention was exactly what I needed after all that I've been through, a lot of my fans where so happy to see me and seeing that I was alright. I thank my fans and the people that where worried about me, being in my real element surrounded by understanding and kind people. My sister was started to see why I loved anime so much and cosplay, she loved the attention she was getting from people and the very kind compliments with picture taking. Me, her and my friends did take a lot of group pictures since we where a theme group, another thing that amazed my sister was the size of the dealer room and all it had. With all of it I did write down a list of what I needed since of all I saved for the first day I spend around $1,000 worth of DVD's and manga's also a lot of yaoi in the mix, I bought so much I needed a trolley cart to carry all of it and boxes to put them in. My sister was kind enough to push the trolley for me since she really wasn't going to buy anything, but all the stuff did get a lot of attention and I crossed off my list of reading and watching material. I even got stopped from someone that worked in a magazine for an interview and taking a picture with all that I bought and I was more than happy too, after the interview my sister and I went back to our room to drop off all that I brought and then return the trolley.

" I'm going to be remembered for a while aren't I." I asked my sister that question when we enter the lobby of the hotel and heading to the elevator answering my question

" I don't think anyone has ever bought this much on there first day?" 

" This is what fuels me, it gives me meaning.  How I'm completely stocked up until a new series comes around."

" You can afford anime and yet you can't afford a car?" My sister asked my that question in almost a mocking tone and I quickly answered her back as we entered the elevator with the trolley 

" I am saving for a car. I also save for my conventions too both are important but one if more easy to get than the other." Not long after the conversation the elevator went up and once it reached out floor we went to the room and set everything into except the trolley, my sister still couldn't believe I spent over a thousand dollars in one day. During the rest of the day was very fun, meeting people taking pictures and playing games my and my friends ended the day once the dealer's room closed and we headed back. But during the fun myself and my friends where having my sister still kept a close eye on me, plus the next day was my birthday so I needed my rest and I needed to vlog about the first day and what I bought . Getting to our rooms there was fighting on who took the first shower from both rooms, I let my sister take the first one while me and Codi where taking off out wigs and cosplays.

" Damn you really saved up again." Codi said that when she picked up one of the dvd's and I looked over to her and I let down my hair from it's braid and switching out my clothes with bts summer pajama's and I looked over to her pile that had stuffed animals and figures 

" Look who's talking I know how much those figures cost." Right after I said that I sat down while Codi changed into her pajamas that was just a long short sleeved button shirt

" Alright you caught me, but at least I didn't need the trolley cart to carry my shit." With that i smirked and threw a pillow at her face and she laughed which made me start to laugh, once we stopped laughing I started my vlogging before my sister got out and I told my followers all about the first day and what I got that took about seven minutes. Before I ended it Codi came in the picture and told everyone to wish me a happy 24th birthday tomorrow, with that I ended my vlog right before my sister opened the bathroom door and releasing out the hot steam that was in there. Like Codi she too was a long short sleeve white shirt but she a had a lot more curves in the front, while she was getting out she was trying her hair with a long towel.

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