Chapter 4

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In memory of the lives that was taken from the Kyoto animation studio in japan may there work and names be remembered in their honor. May the man that caused the fire be brought to justice and the families that lost their love ones find peace.

Chapter 4.

"I couldn't believe what was happening right now one minute I was running away from the security guards to get to the king and the next he's pinning me on his desk asking me to marry him, I could see in his eyes that he was serious about it.

"Oh fuck this isn't good. I have a good feeling he locked the damn door, I need to think of something and fast." Before I knew it T'Challa's lips where pressed agenized mine that set me in shock, with that I started to fight back. I tried to moves my legs to kick him but I wasn't in a good position to do any harm to him, though the situation quickly reminded me of a lot of yaoi Doujinshi's and even more when both of his hands where holding mine while he was still keeping me in place. When he leased his lips from mine I was catching my breath and panting.

"It would have been better if you kissed back." Hearing those works from him confused me and at the same time I was embraced at what he did and I answered him right back

"Why the hell would I ever do that?" Just when he kissed my neck there was a few knocks from the door

"Your Highness is everything alright?" I recognized that voice belonging to his secretary

"Yes it is, I'm a little busy with something." Was what he said loud enough for her to hear and she was covering my mouth with his hand muffling out my words

"I came to remind you of your appointment, there almost here." Hearing that calmed me down and I stopped my struggling when he removed his hand off my mouth and him still speaking to her

"Very well I'll meet you with them in the conference room momentarily."

"Alright then your highness." We both heard her walk off and that made him release his hands off of him and stood up the second I stood up I was about to slap him in his face by he caught my hand that startled me

"You have a fiery spirit Umhle, that's what I love about you."

"Should I be insulted by that word?" I asked him that when I took back my hand and he allowed me to get off his desk and he answered my question

"It translates to your language as beautiful. And that's what you are Amelia." I was a little disguised by that when I grabbed my jacket of the ground and put it back on me along with grabbing the letters and putting them back in my jacket's pockets.

"Look T'Challa I'm flattered and all but I'm not the right person for you." I said that as I was heading to the door, but once I unlocked it and started to open it T'Challa's hand quickly closed it and I felt him behind me. I quickly felt his arm wrap around my waist and pulling me to him, then his hand that was on the door moved to set on top of my hand and held it.

"I already told you that I do not care that you are not of the same similar static as I am. Amelia I love you and only you. Won't you give me a chance Ntandana yam? (my love)" I heard that line too many times and turned them down on Instagram and in person at conventions, he didn't see the disguised look on my face looking at his arm that was around my waist.

"I think I have a good feeling on what that word means." I said that when I pulled off his arm that was around my waist and I used that hand to open the door and I barely looked back at him letting him see my eyes mostly

"If you love me like you say you do, then you'll respect my wishes." Me saying that made him let go of my hand allowing me to leave his office

"Thanks. And I guess thank you for what you did for me and my friends I'm grateful." Was what he heard me say before leaving, he stood there in front of the door touching the hand that touched mine and looking at it. He wanted to cry but couldn't, he also couldn't let me go. Instead of going to his scheduled appointment he ran after me to the direction I went to exit the building, his employees where surprised to see him running and dodging them. Once he made it to the lobby he saw me running out the door and persuaded, but when he got outside I was already on my bike with my helmet on and drove off with Kimberly holding onto me. She of course looked back to see him

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