XIII. Escape

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Chapter Thirteen:

Nakia shoves both of us into a room, looking from Ross to me. "I need to go. You watch him."

"Soroya may need me." I say, but she just shakes her head.

"She'll be fine. Just watch him!" She says frantically, before shutting the door. Why was I the one who got babysitting duty?

I look back at Ross to see that he's sitting down on the couch. I decide to join him.

A few moments of silence pass before Ross speaks. "Are you a HYDRA agent too?"

I shake my head. "No. I was kidnapped by them, held like Soroya had said. I have the same abilities she does, so they used me as a sort of executioner."

Ross stays silent for another moment. I take this opportunity to try my hand at appealing to his good nature, trying to think of what Soroya might say.

"I know you're thinking about turning my sister in, maybe even me too. But it would be a big mistake."

"And why is that?"

"She told you who she was because she knew it was the right thing to do. She knew that your skills and knowledge could help with Killmonger. She decided to be honest and convince you not to take her reputation as a reason not to help. She knew that you wouldn't believe her, she knew you would most likely lock her up in a jail cell. But she didn't care. She did the right thing anyways because that's who she is. When T'Challa announced he was going on a mission to find Klaue, she volunteered because she couldn't stand the thought of not helping the people who had taken her and I in. For the love of god you kept the man she loves prisoner and she still wants to trust you and to fight along side you!" I say, watching confusion go over his face at that last part. I decide to move on in my discussion.

"I know you don't want to trust her, I know believe me. I don't trust anybody either. I know in our kind of life trusting people is hard because we see how horrible people can be. But that's not my sister. She spent fourteen years saving the people she was ordered to kill, showing mercy to those who wronged her, and defending those who couldn't defend themselves. If you take her, then you will be taking away perhaps the only pure hearted person on this earth."

Ross listened to every word I said. Once he knew I was finished, he slowly nods his head. "You really believe in her that much?"

"More than I've ever believed in anyone or anything."

"And why should I trust a word you say?"

"You have no reason to. But I know you trust T'Challa, I know you trust Shuri. They will tell you the same thing. I beg of you, don't turn my baby sister in."

Ross looks away from me. I know the battle raging back and forth in his mind; between wanting to believe me and knowing I could very well be lying.

"I will have a discussion with T'Challa when this is over...and I will weigh his and your sides of the story. That's all I can offer you right now."

"Then I guess I'll take what I can get."

Ross looks at me curiously. "You're not going to try and persuade me to not take you in too?"

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