Chapter 41: Flowers

Start from the beginning


Lily's POV

After me and pony went to his house I felt like there was nothing for me to do, cause there wasn't. "You alive?" Johnny asked me kicking my side a bit, I was lying on the floor with my eyes closed breathing lightly. "No" I answered.

I got up. "I think I'm going for another walk" I sighed "you just came back from one like 5 minutes ago" Bella said pulling away from talking to Sodapop.

"Yeah well there nothing to do plus I think I lost my hair pin thingy when I fell" I rubbed my head to find it really was gone. It was a little flower clip.

"Need help looking for it?" pony asked "naw should be quick" I said. I left I walked everywhere I went today. I saw Jack again where I bumped into him, a bit wired. He was holding something.

I walked over to him, he had my clip. "Hey Jack, nice see ya again" I smiled joyfully at him, "oh hey Lily, is this clip your's by any chance?" he asked, smiling. "Yeah thanks for finding it" I said a bit over joyed. What? I like the clip, a lot. Plus it's like my only one.

"Here let me put it on" he got into my hair just right. "Thanks" I put some hair behind my ear. "It was nothing. Hey if you don't mind want go back to that place, with the flowers from the other day? if you have the time" he asked. "Sure. Guess I'll just go around a time or two just to waste my time with you" I smiled at him, he did so back.

We talked, a lot. It was wired I could tell him anything, we liked the somethings and we both loved books, movies, and music, plus we both can play a little. He was like Ponyboy but he had this way of making me feel I don't know special. I really liked the feeling. He made me feel important.

"So which do you like better Evils or the Beatles?" he asked. We played a game to get to know each other faster. He would ask something I answer then I ask him, so on and so fourth.

"Umm that's hard I mean Evils yeah he the king of rock an roll, but the Beatles have their songs and moments" I giggled. "Same, like Evils with 'Can't help but love you' or the Beatles with 'Help'. Both good songs you just can't pick one" he said laughing as well.

"Thank you someone who gets it!" no one really gets why I like both, he as to be the first one. Not even Johnny gets it and that's saying something. "Okay now you ask me something" he said.

I thought then a light bulb went off in my head to what to ask. "Do you like anyone?" I grinned asking him, "yeah there this one girl I like but I'm sure she just thinks of me as just a friend" he rubbed the back of his neck.

I thought about what he said, soaking it in when it hit me. I sighed smiling "the age old story of the boy liking a girl but she doesn't know, classic" I said. "Yeah well it's not like I'm scared to ask her out its just she dating someone else. And I'm not the kind of guy to steal another man girl" he sighed.

"Aw your such a good person" I said he just laughed a bit. "Oh I almost forgot I was here awhile after I dropped you off at your house I found these kind of rare type of lily" he said getting up.

I followed him he showed me beautiful Lilies (as seen in the picture). "Wow it's so... beautiful" I gasped smiling. "I knew you like it. It's as pretty as you" he smiled I realize he called me pretty.

"Your sweet, Ponyboy doesn't really call be pretty, funny, smart, and cute as much as you do" I sighed.

"Aww I'm sorry he doesn't sounded like a every good boyfriend" he said "no, no, he a good boyfriend I mean he cares about me must guys don't really" I now felt depressed. "Well I care about you" he put an arm around me I rested my head on his shoulder "your the first to say it and mean it without dating me".

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