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Alright, time for my new book! Johnny's older sister: running & loving. By johnnycake4ever and an outsiders fanfic. Hope you love it!

Ponyboy's POV

The gang and I was walking to Johnny's house, we been getting worried because we haven't seen him in days. Approaching his house we saw cops and a whole lot of cars, searching we found Johnny talking to a cop as his parents were being arrested. The worst part was Johnny was crying.

We basically ran to him and the cop. We tried talking to him, but the cop wouldn't let us. "Look you gotta let us talk to him" Darry said "the boy won't talk, we tried everything, he just won't talk" the cop said. Dallas walked over to Johnny the cop didn't even try stop him, most likely knowing better, "hey kid what happen?" Dallas voice was the calmest and nicest we ever heard out of him. But that Johnny, and dally cared enough for Johnny be calm and nice.

"Look Winston if he ain't gonna talk to us he ain't gonna talk to you" the cop said but that never stopped dally, being told what to do by a cop. "He just keep beating me, no stop, no end, they kept yelling at me, and and I just sat there taking it without a fight. It only made it worse, I-I can't, I just can't, dally they went to far this time. They went to far" Johnny said crying all the more.

The cop was shocked almost as much as we were. "Well at least now we know something" the cop stated "you got any older brothers or sisters?" The cop asked. Johnny looked at us and answered: "yeah, she Jaime Cade" the cop looked uneasy "I-I'll go get her" the cop nearly fell running to his cop car.

"Who the hell is Jaime Cade?" Steve asked "m-my big sister" Johnny answered rubbing the back of his neck. "Is she cute?" Two bit asked grinning like an idiot, Johnny shrugged for an answer. "Just don't make her mad, okay? She ain't going be so happy when she finds out about our parents. Plus she doesn't really like the idea of-" but Johnny was cut off by a police car.

A tall, good-looking, an almost similar to Johnny, woman stepped out of the police car. And I knew that was her. Her hair was jet black long and her eyes as dark brown as Johnny's.

She walked over to Johnny and the cop next to him. "What the hell is happening?! I thought I told you if anything happens to him, I would rip your head off!" She yelled at the cop. "I-I'm sorry we were gonna call" the cop said scared "oh you were gonna call?" She asked in a over friendly tone.

He nodded "saying and doing are two different things, and you, dumb ass are on thin ice now" she said "now get the hell out of my sight" she added. He ran. She went over to Johnny, but Dallas pulled Johnny away from her.

"Winston that's my kid brother and I suggest you get away from him before I make you" she told him. Johnny walked away from dally pulling her far away from us so we couldn't hear. But I could hear Dallas cussing loud and clear and I wish I couldn't.

Jaime's POV

Johnny pulled me away from the group of boys. "Jaime be nice to them. They're my friends" Johnny said "them your friends? Well I'll be" I crossed my arms. "Just be nice, okay? And before you ask about what happen with mom and dad just know I ain't dead" he playfully grinned at me. I nodded and we walked back to the group of boys.

I crossed my arms standing in front of the boys. The oldest looking one stepped forward "I'm-" I cut him off.

"Darrel Curtis, oldest brother of Sodapop and Ponyboy Curtis. I know who you are, I know all of you" I said.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, do me?! Who am I?!" Another said like a five year old waving one hand in air jumping a bit. "Keith Matthews or should I say two bit Mathews" I answered. "And then we have Steve Randall and Dallas Winston" I grinned at Dallas.

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