Chapter Thirty-Six

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6:42 AM
Lieutenant Larson stepped out of the black car in front of Agnetha's driveway. She nodded a hello to the two security guards at the front and asked them about the night, if there were any changes, but just as she predicted there was nothing. Agnetha hurried down the steps of her home and quickly went to Lieutenant Larson, who understood what Agnetha was up to. Björn had no idea. She cursed to herself and kicked the gravel at the feet.

"Björn doesn't know, does he?"

"No. I'd rather we keep it this way. Please, at least until we're there."

"Agnetha, we're having a slight change of plans. I have to be back at the station, but Detective Weissman will go with you and explain everything for you with a few other agents that are already working on the scene. I will be with you as soon as I finish with the interrogation I need to take care of." Though feeling unsure, Agnetha nodded. She had a million doubts, but only one thing that reminded her that this was something she had to do.

Taken down to the station, Lena remained quiet. She agreed to go, but refused to be handcuffed. The news wouldn't do her any good. Reporters would see her and that would be a scandal on its own. Today wasn't a day for scandals, she decided that.

"Have a seat, please. They'll be with you in a moment," the security left her be in the squared interrogation room facing a mirror. That moment turned into thirty-seven minutes. The lieutenant and her interrogation partner, restlessly stood just outside of it with the district attorney discussing her case. They were going to pull the truth out of her. Something still wasn't adding up and the evidence was increasing before them.

7:41 AM
The bitter hours of restless sleep had brought along a shimmering light to wake Björn. Pain existed in his chest as the first thought he had was of his youngest daughter. One minute they were a happy family, next minute their world is spinning and Anna had been kidnapped. He had no time to waste laying in bed, the very same bed the love of his life was now absent from. He considered she'd be in the bathroom, perhaps she had just awoken, or making coffee to begin the long day before them, but no. His eyes fell upon a small letter on the pillow holding small words written in blue ink that dropped his heart.

Leaping out of the bed and throwing back the cover, his moment of panic and rush of adrenaline had him dialing Lieutenant Larson. He couldn't believe she would do it, especially after he had told her not to. She always was a strong willed, stubborn woman. He cursed and redialed, but midway through the dial he pulled up Detective Weissman's number, feeling already the lieutenant would miss the call yet again.

"Weissman," he answered the call after a long breath. This was about to be hell broken over the phone.

"Agnetha is gone. She went after Gert. She left a note. We have to get to her bef–"

"Björn," he interrupted. "We already know. She's wired. She's working with us. She chose to do this."

"She's what?!" His voice was raised over the small device in his hand. His children began popping their heads out of rooms, restless and worried. "Why haven't you called me? Why am I the last one to know? Don't you fucking let her in."

"I can't," he sighed. "She's already on the move. There's a few detectives already undercover at the port. They've been there since 5 AM." He cursed under his breath and hurriedly grabbed the keys to his car while concerned eyes of his children followed him to it and their voices calling after him. "Send me the fucking address."

7:32 AM
"Good morning, Ms. Källersjö."

"Why am I here, Lieutenant? Explain to me why I just got arrested for the kidnapping of my own daughter. She is missing and you're holding me in a cubed room as if suddenly I've done something wrong," Lena stood to her feet and watched the man and woman step into the room.

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