Chapter Thirty

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"I'm in the mood for a movie," Bjorn said upon entering Agnetha's home at last. "You have popcorn?"

"I should," Agnetha said as she pulled off her shoes, just as Anna and Björn had done, too.

"Agnetha, do you mind if I see the chest?"

"Of course not, sweetheart. You know where it is."

"I have an idea of what we can watch," Björn smiled as he hurried after his daughter with the excitement of the day's excitement that hadn't faded.

Agnetha had a thought but she didn't think they'd actually choose what she was considering. In fact the thought made her slightly nervous. She pulled out her cellphone and pressed the arrow to look at the missed calls she had. Lolo, Linda, Christian, Mona, and Frida. She moaned to herself thinking of the list of calls she would have to return. Linda and Christian were going to be the only exception tonight.

She returned Christian's call first and found that his sister was already with him. They were curious to know how the case went, having heard it on the news already, though they knew everything would be blown out of proportion just as they had all expected. She explained to them what had happened in a brief few sentences and updated them on how they were spending their evening. Both Christian and Linda were relieved to know their parents wishes were granted. Agnetha turned around to the sound of Björn and Anna laughing as they treaded towards her with a pile of VCR tapes in Anna's hand. She widened her eyes at the both of them then smiled.

"What have you got there?"

"Home videos," Björn said. "The three of us know these memories, but never shared them together. What better movie? Especially after today."

"You have a VCR?" Anna asked.

"I do. The living room below the TV. Björn start popcorn. I'll just head up and change for a minute."

Anna has quickly started the VCR, rewinding all the tapes to the start, noting each one was already watched. She had never seen them before and was excited to be able to watch them for the first time. When she finished, she changed into her nightwear too, ones she left over Agnetha's house for whenever she needed to use them.

Björn, Agnetha, and Anna sat side by side with the first tape in and playing. It was Anna's first birthday. The same company at her fourteenth birthday were present. It wasn't a big party, but streamers were around the house, the cake was lit with four candles, and the table was surrounded by everyone singing her a happy birthday. The round faced little infant was held in Lena's arms, beside her was Emma, Christian and Linda. Emma's hand was reaching for the cake and Christian's eyes were set on the candles, while Linda sang wholeheartedly.

Björn had left and returned to the living room while Anna put in a second tape. He poured himself and Agnetha a refill of wine before picking up a handful of popcorn to toss in his mouth.

The next videotape that played was a mixture of everything. Day to day living, Anna saying goodbye to her father before school, and playing at the park.

"Baby... Anna, look," Björn's voice said behind the unsteady camera. "Say hi," he laughed. She gave a scrunchy-faced smile with a very wrinkled nose. Her rosy cheeks were full and her fine blonde hair was a flowing mess.

"Hi," she repeated.

"Say, I miss you," he asked. "And I'll see you soon."

"I miss you," she copied– even in the same tone. "See you," she gasped, then added, "soon!" She waved at the camera and blew a kiss before she went off to the swings.

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