Chapter Three

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5:28 AM
Agnetha's eyes opened, the first thing she noticed was the color of the sky. It's still blue from the break of dawn. Her eyes were two restless windows. She didn't have the strength. No ability to stop herself. The tears were back, followed with sobs. What will I do? What will I do? What will I do? Her heart had become
shattered bits. She had opened up too much to him and there's no way she could go back and change it.

She felt her mistake. Her children can't know. Björn can't know. She knew them well. Their concern will worry them and she would begin to feel guilty. This was her mistake and she knew it was going to be something she'd have to take care of herself.

She found the courage to pull herself out of bed after two hours of staring at the locked french doors leading to her bedroom balcony. Her mind became a constant battle of trying to figure out where to turn to. She needed to speak her worries, her fears. The weight is heavy and she's vulnerable. Who could I even call? Frida's going to worry and immediately turn to Björn, even if she didn't she'd turn to Benny who'd turn to Björn. My sister doesn't know Gert to begin with. The children would overreact. Björn... There's no chance Björn could know about it. Although the only person she could think of was him.

8:40 AM
She knew who she'd call for comfort and advice. She could only think of one person. One close friend who would be the one she could confide in. Lolo. She connected the phone line for the first time since the day before and dialed.

"Agnetha?" She smiled. "Good morning."

"Lolo, I need your help with something. Will you please come over?"

"Yes, of course. What is going on?" She felt the anxiety in her friend's voice and quickly became worried.

"It's not–" she tried to play it off cooly, but she couldn't. "I have a problem."

"What is it, dear? Is everything alright?"

"No. I'm not... I– can you," she cleared her throat. "Could you please come by today? I'm not leaving the house."

"Yes, I'll be over in an hour or two."

Agnetha disconnected the line again after she said her goodbye. She sat with a cup of coffee, rocking her cradled body back and forth. Forty-five minutes passed bringing knocks to her door. It's too soon for Lolo to arrive. Maybe it isn't Lolo. Her heart raced as she crept closer to the door. Looking in, she found her tall friend's figure. She sighed in relief and opened quickly.

"Hi, Lolo. Thank you for coming on such short notice, and this early."

"Agnetha, you look pale," Lolo held her by the shoulders.

"Come in," Agnetha looked around outside before shutting the door. Her blonde friend knew something was concerning.

"What's going on?"

"You were right," she explained as soon as she got to the sitting room. "About Gert. He's sick."

"Why? W-what happened? Has he done anything to you?"

"I found things. So many of them– of me, my things. He's been watching me," she explained. "I don't know how he has them. He's never been into my house alone," her tears poured out as she covered her face.

"Anna," Lolo reached out to hold her, seeing she was a mess. "Anna, listen to me. I've told you, you can't trust that man. You need to file a report. You don't know what else he's keeping from you. You don't know if he'll leave you alone."

"I've been so blind."

"It's going to be okay," she comforted her. "I'll help you. Everything will be fine."

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