Chapter Twenty Six

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Chiller than a glacier dipped in Ice cream

"So... what's everyone getting?" Exie felt like it came acrossway too cheerful.

"Four Butterbeers," Sirius replied as they neared the bar, "Bloody hell, the queue's hectic today. Can't people just go somewhere else?"

"We're here too," She pointed out.

"Yeah and it's rude of people to have the same brilliant idea as us," He pouted although his bad mood was the least of her worries. Across the bustling crowd she made out Lily's auburn hair amongst the sea of blondes and brunettes. She was chatting to the bartender who looked bewitched as she exchanged the firewhisky for several sickles. A small smile crossed Exie's face, amazed that Lily had done what even Sirius struggled to do.

It suddenly also occurred to Exie that Lily was about to return to an empty table which might cause a bit of a reaction. She had to get her attention somehow without alerting Sirius. Bit tricky considering she was literally right next to him. 

Sirius and James were the ideas men, she was the one who mellowed things out if they got too heated. Still, hanging around them for years must have rubbed off a bit. Pretending to see Lily and doing a big staged greeting was a possibility. Then again Sirius would no doubt catch on. No, that wasn't a possibility.

Faking choking could work she thought as her eyes came to rest on a bowl of chips someone had just ordered. That would cause a scene and Lily would be in such shock that the empty table wouldn't even matter. There was however the possibility she'd actually choke and die.- Whilst that would make for an date Lily would never forget it, it would probably scar her for life. 

Suddenly the perfect idea appeared right in front of her in the form of a bar stood. Today was the bar stool's lucky day as it had transformed from just a mediocre seat to a crucial part of her plan. 

She just hoped it was ready.

"Hey, I see an opening in the queue," Exie whispered.

Without even bothering to check, an impatient Sirius replied, "Well, get in there, use your bony elbows!"

She rushed forwards, slamming her shin into the bar stool in the most obvious fashion.


"Why did you ram your leg into the stool?!" Sirius squealed so shrilly, she'd have laughed if she wasn't in unspeakable pain.

[1] Exie Attia is one of the Boys ✓ | LILY EVANSWhere stories live. Discover now