Chapter Fifteen

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The simple life of the Unfathomably Stupid

Her first reaction was to laugh in the hopes this was a joke... a dark, twisted and frankly unfunny joke. When it became clear that it wasn't, she came to an abrupt stop. Despite promising not to react, the drop in her stomach was almost impossible to truly conceal, adding a very slight tremor to her voice when she next spoke.


A serene smile crossed Sirius's face as he put both hands around the glass. For a moment, she feared he was going to drink before realising he had no such attention; the glass remained still but his knuckles were white, his grip so intense she was more worried about it shattering now.

"He was staring at you by the bar a lot, it was really weird," James said softly, "And then when you leant in to order your drink he stood upand sort of circled you before settling a little way away, blocked by some strangers so he wasn't obvious to spot. This alone was weird but then... when the chair leg broke, he leant over whilst everyone was distracted towards your drinks. and put something in."

Her heart seemed to fall even further as her gaze dropped to the Butterbeer. It looked normal enough to her but meant she now had trust issues with both chairs and drinks.

"What do you think he wants?"

"That..." James' sliced his hand through the air in a purposeful hand gesture, " what we want to find out."

She instantly slammed her hands on the table, "You're going over to fight him? No, I really don't want that! Please, I didn't drink it, let's not make a scene," Unlike last time, Remus didn't support her so she turned to him for help, "Remus?"

A hint of guilt crossed his face but Remus didn't look like he was going to back down, "Exie, I don't want a scene either... but just because you didn't drink it, doesn't resolve the issue. Look ... we just want to find out what he put in there and what he intended to do."

"If it happens to get violent, it's not really our fault," James said firmly but Remus quickly cut in.

"Which it won't... hopefully."

"You can wait here," Sirius said firmly, "Peter, stay with her - "

"No," This time, she was unwilling to sit out, "No... look, I'm the one who almost got spiked, surely I get a say in how it's handled?"

[1] Exie Attia is one of the Boys ✓ | LILY EVANSWhere stories live. Discover now