Chapter Four

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The Master of Horniness

"Fair warning, they taste a bit grim," Exie told the boys as she handed them out, the five of them crammed onto Sirius's surprisingly neat bed ... this could have just been because he hadn't unpacked though. Seeing the fleeting look of guilt that befell Remus, she hastily added, "But so does cabbage yet I eat that anyway. So ... it's not really that bad is what I'm saying ... let's get on with it!"

"On three?" Peter suggested, examining the small Immortelle flower quizzically.

Sirius nodded. "On three," He confirmed as he held it aloft as if it were a fancy goblet.

Two of the boys obliged, chewing the flower in a vigorous manner .... one did not. To her left, James was still lying back, brows knitted as the dainty flower was absent-mindedly twirled between two fingers.

"James," She playfully flicked his head. His reaction was delayed, a good few seconds passing before he turned to her, looking very out of it, "Eat up, you're coming last in the great flower eating competition which, considering there are only four contestants, is a bit embarrassing."

"Oh ... right," Despite his words, he still didn't eat it, instead merely laughing faintly, "Can't believe Evans bloody walked in on you in the shower ... how ... annoying."

Out of nowhere, Sirius snapped his fingers, "Oi James, can you focus!"

"And it wasn't in the shower," Peter corrected, "Exie said it was after."

"It was bloody annoying though," She admitted fairly, "Lily was very apologetic about that and the whole walking in on me and James in the closet ... DON'T LAUGH, SIRIUS!" There had been nothing inappropriate about that, trust Sirius to make her second guess her words with his dirty mind, "But I think she might be a bit of a problem in the future. I mean, she was like this last year but following us is - "

"Snivellus Bad," Sirius finished solemnly.

"Oh yeah," Exie snorted with laughter, "Maybe Lily's about to become ... Snive-Lily ... I joke but she might."

Throughout the conversation, Remus had again remained quiet and this had not gone unnoticed. James sat up a little, "Remus ... everything alright?"

"Oh yes, just ... getting close to that time of the month I guess."

Exie raised a hand in comradery, "I feel you, Remus."

Still, everyone could catch this blatant lie out instantly. Right now, Remus looked quiet and forlorn but not peaky and pale ... it didn't take a genius to figure out what was bothering him.

"The flower actually tastes really nice," Peter piped up, "Like sweetcorn except not sweet or corn!"

"Yeah, I'm actually looking forward to having another one tomorrow," James at last hastily stuffed the flower in his mouth, his features still contorting despite his best efforts to hide it, "This is ... great."

[1] Exie Attia is one of the Boys ✓ | LILY EVANSWhere stories live. Discover now