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oh that was ethan i didn't hear him

you see ethan come downstairs and nearly trips

he has frames
we ignore my dad watching and we all start to pack up the car

me and ethan get in the back and i was filming him

my dad then said

"no funny business"

ethan then pushed me down and straddled me

me and ethan burst out laughing and ethan gets off of me

as ethan got up he was smiling and i got it on video

i'd never seen ethan smile

his smile is beautiful

i recorded ethan randomly in the car and put it on snap and captioned it

i was waiting before he saw it

he saw it and smiled

i took a picture and set it as my wallpaper

we got to new york and my parents gave me $100 to spend and they also gave some to ethan


"no problem ethan"

me and ethan walk away

as my parents go to judge a fashion show before going to my aunts

me and ethan go into a thrift shop and ethan spent $75 and i spent $25

ethan- $25 left
jessica- $75 left

he's got 5 bags of clothing

we end up going to a preppy shop full of preppy girl stuff

i got the same plaid skirt just in 7 different colours


we also went to starbucks


we gave the rest of the money to my mom when we got to my aunts

"hey aunt alice"

she gave me a hug

"hello darling ethan right?"

he nodded

"i've heard a lot about you...he's cute isn't he"

"he's 15"

"you're 15 who's older"

"ethan he was born on 16 december and i was born on 3rd january"

"oh you remembered my birthday"

"yup who didn't"


"he's your twin you know what never mind"

we all got back in the car after an hour

and went home

me and ethan went to my room and sat on my bed

we were silent and i was on my phone ethan was just sitting there with his head down

i lift his chin up and looked into his eyes before kissing him

i pull away and ethan pushes me down lightly

"i've been waiting all day to do this"

he then smashed his lips into mine and we made out for 20 minutes

we then lay on my bed in silence

i cuddle up to ethan putting my arms around his waist and my head on his chest and we fell asleep

we woke up again to my alarm i start to move


"yes ethan we've got school"

he takes his hands away and he fools me and climbs over me straddling me again and teases me before getting off the bed

"i don't think my mom knows you're here"

he climbs out the window and he's gone

after i've done my hair and makeup just mascara actually i realised ethan bags are still in my room


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