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"Hey Ethan how are you today"

"Felling good I guess what's wrong?"

"You keep forgetting that's what's wrong you have to do it everyday okay?"

I nod

I was forgetting

I got discharged and I went straight to my house

Grace has been ignoring me since the fire

I walk into my room I see Grayson on top of some girl


Grayson jumps off the girl

It was Lucy

I never thought it would be them two fucking

In my room?

"This is my room go fuck somewhere else please"

They ran out the room

Grabbing their clothes

I sit on my bed and I look through the open blinds

I see Jessica crying in her room

I open my window and climb over the joined roof

I knock on her window and she looked to me

Her eyes full of tears

I open her window and climb in before hugging her

"What's wrong?"



You're my best friends crush

But I like You

And I'm lying to you


She stops crying and i go back to my room because she asked me too

If she wasn't gay I would-


I can't

She's my best friend

I can't think that

She hot though


I can't I need to sleep right?


I go to sleep


I saw Ethan go to sleep and I wrote something on paper for him to see when he wakes up

It read

"Ethan I have to tell you something I'm not gay I'm bi and I like you really like you"

I stuck it to the window closed my blinds and went to sleep and my parents left for a business trip


I wake up at 1am and I look out my open window

I look at the signs on Jessica's window

I like her too

Oh my god


And She's-

I close my window and run downstairs locking my bedroom door with the key and shoving it in my back pocket

I run outside and knock on Jessica's door

After a minute she answers and I instantly crash my lips into hers

I walk in and shut the door not breaking the kiss

I break the kiss

"I like you too"

We run up the her room and we locked her door

I smashed my lips into hers again pushing her into the wall lightly

We end up shirtless and her lying on her bed me on top making out

We stop making out when we hear her alarm


We atop making out when my alarm goes off


Ethan try's to kiss me again


He stops


"I have to get ready for school"

He kisses me and I couldn't resist

I kiss back before pushing him up

"Ethan we have school"

He moans


He climbs off of me

Before putting his shirt back on



"Will you be my girlfriend?"


I kiss him

"We have to keep it secret"

"I can do that"

That was the last thing he said before climbing out the window

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