16 1 0

"Wait seriously"


"Uh...actually I don't need to think about this no"

"You're such a bitch"

"I rejected you big deal"

"I want you as my boyfriend!"

"And I don't want you as my girlfriend now fuck off ive had a bad day!"


She picked up a vase and threw it at my face

It hit me



"Do it again! Get you're fucking anger out throw something at me again hit me!"


"Then leave"

She left and I walked back upstairs I walk through graces door and walked to my side

My head bleeding

I get my earphones

And my phone

I open my window

And sit down on the roof.

I put earphones in letting the music play

I stared at the moon and stars

My phone died

Then I realised it was late

Blood was still dripping down my face

I walk back into my room

Grace and Jessica are still there

They notice me

I feel really lightheaded

I end up crashing into the floor

I don't know what happened

I open my eyes and I see grace

No Jessica



"We need to go to your bathroom"

"Oh ok"

I walk inside

I put myself back on the counter

I followed grace around with my eyes

She looked different

I just want to-ughhhh

I think I like her

I just met her

She's in between my legs again doing whatever she's doing to my head

"You've lost a lot of blood you just need to sleep"

I nod

Before just staring at her

Staring into her eyes

I instantly crashed my lips into hers kissing her

I pull away when I realised what I did

I jump off the counter

"S-sorry I just"

She grabbed my arm before I could walk away

Then she crashed her lips into mine

She pulled away just not as quick as I did

She said one thing before she left

"Tell nobody"

I walk to my bed putting my phone on charge and falling asleep

I wake up to my phone ringing

It was Grayson

I answer the phone


"The dinner is in an hour I'm coming to the boarding house now"

"I just woke up"

"Get ready then"

I got out of my bed brushed my teeth and got my clothes

I get out my white hoodie my black skinny jeans and my white old skl vans with the black line

I put it all on sitting nervously on my bed waiting for Grayson

Realising I slept in by a lot



Grayson turns up to the boarding house

I run to him and we get in the car for the 50 minute long drive to the house

We got to the house

Grayson opened the door

"Hey I'm here sorry I'm late!"

"Were all sitting at the table"

He walked in

And so did I

I wasn't ready for this

I'm not ready for this

Boarding School-E.DWhere stories live. Discover now