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Grayson gestures for me to follow but I don't

"Ethan hurry up"

He grabs my wrist and pulls me lightly

He goes through the door frame with me not to be seen

He then yanks on my arm pulling me in

Everyone froze in their tracks

I whispered to Grayson

"I can't do this"

"You can"

"I'm not family"

Everyone was silent then mom said

"What are you doing here this is a family dinner"

"This is what I mean Gray nobody fucking wants me!"

I start to walk away when he grabs my arm again

"What do you mean nobody wants you"

"First of all my family don't want me second of all I'm not welcome in the adoption program third of all the foster home don't want me the boarding school don't want me that bitch that did you know didn't want Meredith didn't want me-oh wait she came yesterday and said she wants me back and we fought again never mind-nobody wants me gray!"

I walk away again yanking my arm away from Grayson

I walk out the house going into the city I go to the foster home to see Amy

I knock on the door

Karen opens the door


She pulled me into a hug

"What are you doing here!"

"It's-uh it's a long story"

"Come sit down"

I sat down in front of Karen and told her up until Meredith last night

"So last night I went to sleep straight after that I lost a lot of sleep so I had to sleep in

I slept in until 4pm and I had the dinner at 5pm I really did at want to go but my brother my twin brother in fact who doesn't live here drove all the way here he actually lives in California drove to the boarding house and picked me up and he pulled me in front of his family -my family but I don't feel comfortable saying that anyway- 'mom' shouted asking why I was there because it was a family dinner then I tried to walk out but Grayson stopped me my brother by the way and asked me why I was leaving and I said because nobody wants me I tried to leave again and he asks what do I mean when I say nobody wants me so I snapped and told him then left and since I'm here I thought I'd come see you guys"

"Oh well okay good luck"

"Is Amy here"

"Yeah she's upstairs in your old room"

"Does she share?"


"She's lucky"

I walk upstairs

I knock on the door of which used to be my old room

I knock on the door

"Come in"

I walk in opening the door surprising Amy



She jumped into my arms

We sat together

Until she noticed

"What happen to head"

"Oh I fell"

"Are you sure"


"Did something throw at you"

"Yeah I did get something thrown at me where'd you get that from"

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