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Hi guys! Ok, so this is my first fanfic, like, EVER. Before we get started, I'd like to point out a few things.

First off, Sakura's hair is long even though my story is based on Naruto Shippuden. Here's why:

Does anyone remember how short Hinata's hair was in Naruto? Or hoe short Ino's hair was once she cut it during the preliminaries? Ok, so let me ask you this:

How in HELL is Hinata's hair down her BACK? And Ino, how is her hair touching her FEET? To me, this is all wrong. Now, she may be keeping it short to help forget about S@#^/e, but I just don't like it. SAKURA deserves long hair too, ya know! Also her diamond is now green so, yeah.

Second, I would like to verify that the two and a half years Naruto spent training will end without him returning to Konoha. This means that Yamato's and Sai's introduction into the story will be delayed.

Third, this story will contain NaruHina. For the record, I hate Hinata. It's not personal, I just feel that Kishimoto deliberately put her in the midle of the Squad 7 love triangle just to aggravate the fans, not knowing a war would be started!

Ok,that's enough of my ranting. Let's get started!


{}~other's thoughts

¤¤~ inner

《》~ other's inners

""~ talking


Chapter 1

Sakura's POV

This was it. We'd finally found the Akatsuki hideout. My team, Yuki, Latoya, Tishiro, and Koryumi, was headed to the sand village. The hideout was spotted outside the viilage, about a mile from the village outskirts and with an unconstricted view of the Kazekage's Tower. I can't believe they were this close! All this time, Sasuke was right under our noses. Why didn't Gaara sense them? Something powerful is at play. Whatever it is, it won't go down easy.

We were three full days into our journey and e village was fast approaching. Every ninja in every country was to report to the sand village for briefing. My team and I left early. The Konoha 11 were to meet Tsunade and Gaara in his office. I hadn't seen any of them in three years. Each team was allowed to go training with their sensei for a three year period. The catch was that it had to be a three man squad accompanied by a jounin. Go fiure. Naruto had long since left with that perverted old man to train. Now, Tsunade would have allowed Kakashi and I to go training except Kakashi decided to rejoin the Anbu. Thank you so much sensei. What would I do without you? I've been alone for three full years. Actually, that's not true. After everyone had left, I met a redheaded girl. She was shorter than me with green eyes. Boy was she fiesty! I bet that girl can look a bull straight in eye and have it turn tail and run away!

But as time moved on we became inseparable. As of now she is a part of the Anbu Black Ops. I wonder sometimes, what if I'd met her before I met Ino.........

"Sakura! Sakura!!"

I was yanked out of my stupor by Toshiro yelling in my ear.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently.

"I'm fine. Sorry to cause you worry." I said quickly.

We reached the Kazekage Tower and came face to with enormous crowds of ninja surrounding the building. My team and I decided to around the building and in through the back. As we walked inside, we were met by Gaara himelf.

"Long time no see, Gaara..." I said quietly.

"Yes, welcome back Sakura. The Konoha 11 are waiting for you in my office. Let's go." he said in a deep, monotone voice.

"Wait Gaara. I need to check on something. I'll only be a minute. " I said before taking off down the hallway.

I was looking for the bathroom. As I searched, I came face to face with Naruto. He looked the same way he did as a genin, but he sounded different.

" that you?" He asked with a voice deeoer than the Grand Canyon and sweeter than honey.

"Naruto.... I.... yeah, it's me." I stuttered, taken completely off guard.

"Sakura-chan!! I missed you so much!" he said as he hugged me as tightly as he could.

"Naruto......can't........can't........ BREATHE!!"

"Oi! Sorry Sakura-chan. I just missed you so much. "

"I missed you too Naruto. How was training?" I asked.

"Ooooooii! Don't get me started on Pervy Sage! He almost got me killed! And then.........."

As Naruto continued to rant, I noticed that we were standing directly in front of the bathroom.

"Um.... Naruto......." I tried to get his attention.

"Don't get me started on his new girlfriend!" Naruto exclaimed.


"Yeah. Jiraiya has a girlfriend and she's a total nag. She's blonde like Tsunade with grey eyes and she pouts all the time! The only reason he's with that hag is because she's rich and built lik Tsunade only she's younger..."

While Naruto finishes his rant, one thing crosses my mind:

[How is Tsunade going to take this? She's in love with him!]


[ .....eeeh, what the hell is that?..]

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