Chapter 4

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Sakura POV

After completely embarrassing myself in front of what could be the hottest guy in Konoha, I laid my head on the counter. Well, more like banged my head on the counter. Did I mention it was a wood counter? Yeah, it was a wood counter. I could feel the stares of the three genin next to me and the people passing by on my back. "How nice of you to stare. Very polite. You just go around staring at people? Huh? Let me tell you something..."
Mumbling to myself, I cursed out the staring idiots on the street.
"Are you okay Sakura? You don't look so good..." Moegi said, looking at me with concern. When I didn't answer and kept whispering to myself, she began whispering to her teammates.
"Do you think she's okay?"
"She's face down on a counter and talking to herself. What do you think?!"
"Calm down. We need to help her."
The trio turned to me and sat staring for a moment. Then finally, Konohamaru spoke.
"Sakura, you're creeping us out."
"Konohamaru! That wasn't the plan!"
"I'm just being honest." he said, sinking into his seat.
"Just be quiet!" Moegi whispered harshly to Konohamaru. Before Moegi could say another word, hottie came with our orders.
"Here are your orders guys. Anything else?" he said, that smile if his showed even in his voice. My he shot ip and I stared at him for a split second before averting my gave back to my plate. That smile was still on his face but was quickly changing to a sexy smirk.
"What's your name pinkie?" he asked.
Okay, if there's one thing I can't stand it's being called pinkie.
"Sure as hell isn't pinkie, dumbass." I shot off before I could stop myself.
He stared dumbfounded. When he finally found his voice he apologized.
"S-sorry. That was kinda rude, wasn't it?" he said with a sheepish grin.
"I honestly didn't mean to offend you. I thought that and I could go on a date? My name's Toshi by the way."
'Ho-ly SHIT WE DID IT! HOT DAMN! Say Yes. Say Yes!'
Moegi jumped up and sat on her knees to whisper in my ear.
"Say yes! This is your big shot. Go for it!"
I sighed and agreed.
"Sure. I'm Sakura. Sorry about snapping at you like that. Maybe I overreacted. Maybe."
His smile returned and he gave me his number and I gave him mine. He turned to me and said "I'll call you when I get off."
"Actually Toshi, I have a mission and I might be gone for a while. How about I call you?"
He looked at me wierdly, but agreed nevertheless.
"Okay. I'll talk to you then." he said before retreating to the kitchen. Despite his smile, it didn't reach his eyes this time. He looked defeated. Best girlfiend ever.
After dropping the genin off with Ebisu, I went back home to finish packing. I only had a few hours before it was time to head out. Might as well get ready. I went to my room and began packing, making sure to pack some general medicines, bandages, and weapons. I added some extra clothes and the paperwork from Tsunade. At least I'm packed but it's only 7:30 pm. I guess I could call Toshi. Oh, what the hell. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. He answered on the third ring.
"Hey Sakura. I didn't think you were going to call."
"Guess I proved you wrong huh? Haha."
"Haha. You really did. So. Let's see. How about we play 20 questions? That way we'll learn something about each other."
"Sounds good to me. You first handsome."
"Oh, I'm handsome now? Good to know. So how old are you? I just turned 17 in December."
"I'll be 17 in March. What's your favorite color? Mine's green."
"Hmm. I'd say orange. When's yout birthday?"
"March 28. Yours?"
"December 23. It always gets mixed up with Christmas. Talk about a pain in the ass. Anyway, do you have any brothers or sisters? I have a little brother. He's almost four now."
"Aw! He's got to be adorable! Wait, this isn't some pickup line is it?"
"What? No! Geez. Hahahaha!"
"Okay, okay. I believe you. No siblings here. Just me. How tall are you? I'm five feet five inches."
"Wow. You're short aren't you? I'm six feet four inches. You're a ninja, aren't you? What rank are you? I'm a jounin."
"Jounin as well. Hey speaking of which, its getting late and I have a mission in the morning. I'll call you tomorrow. Good night Toshi."
"Good night Sakura. It was nice talking to you. Bye."
Same here. Bye."
With that, I hung up. I put the phone back on the hook and got ready for bed. I let my hair fall to my waist and changed into my nightwear. It was already 11 pm. I couldn't believe we talked that long. Well, time for bed.
'Night Sakura.'
'Night Inner.'

And Done. Chapter Complete. Okay so I know it's been two months since I updated this. School started and my time was consumed fully. Hopefully I'll be updating more now that things have calmed down. If you like this story, please vote comment and recommend it on Wattpad. Thanx guys. As you know I do not own Naruto or any of its franchises. If I did, Tsunade would be a bra. Thank you.


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