Chapter 0.2

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Finally, we had officially moved into Des' place and our old one was on the market to be sold. Exam week went by with a breeze and I was now in my last week of school. The week was really just consisted of getting feedback, taking class photos and saying our goodbyes to everyone. Since my new house is now closer to his than my previous one, Nathan picked me up and took me to school every day.

I know the wedding is to happen quickly, but they only invited family and close friends. I guess they just really wanted it to happen as soon as possible.

Finally, it is Friday, the last day of school and the day before the wedding.

"Angel!" I heard my friend Heather, call to me from the other end of the hallway. She had a wide grin on her face, I could see it from where I was standing. She came down the hallway to me and squeezed me tightly.

"Heather! I haven't seen you in ages! What are you doing here?" I smiled at her, still so amazed that she was here.

Heather dropped out of school 6 months ago to go traveling with her family. She just decided that it would be best for her to do school online instead of waiting to travel with them.

"Oh you know, we were in town to see Auntie Marge but I couldn't come and not see you!" Heather explained to me. She pulled me into another hug and because of the height difference, my head was sitting on her chest.

"I've missed you." My words muffled by her chest.

She came to all my classes with me and we spent the day catching up on everything. She told me about how she had started talking to this guy, Zayn, who was super sexy might I add and that they had planned to meet up while she was in town.

"How's Nathan?" She asked me. The day was over and we were now walking to his car, he promised me that he would take me out for lunch this afternoon since he hadn't been able to do much out of school for the past few weeks.

"He's good, we're good," I replied.

"So have you guys... you know?" Heather asked. I knew exactly what she was talking about and my eyes widened in horror.

"God no, no! We haven't even gone any further than kissing. I'm just not ready yet." I replied. My cheeks started to go red as I became flustered. I hated the idea of sex and even talking about it. I was comfortable with my body, but I certainly wasn't ready to give away the one thing I could never get back.

"Is he?" She kept digging and I looked over at her to find the expression on her face. But she was looking away.

"...We haven't talked about it for months honestly, but he was the last time we discussed it. But He knows I want to wait for marriage and respects that."

The conversation ended there. We walked to Nathan's car. He was leaning against it fiddling with his phone. He looked up and smiled at me. His eyes shifted to Heather and his smile faltered and he looked back down at his phone.

"Hey." I nudged my shoulder into his chest and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Hey." He said back, putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his body. He looks to Heather then back to me, "It's still just the two of us, yeah?"

I look at him, and his face carries an unreadable expression. I turn my head to Heather and her expression is blank. She shakes her head and says, "Yeah sorry, I've gotta go take care of some family stuff."

We say our goodbyes and Nathan and I go to our favorite cafe. It's called 'a hole in the wall'. The name is a perfect description of it. It was small and off of a corner street about 20 minutes away from school. It had pots and plants hanging from the ceiling and wooden floors and tables. They made an amazing coffee which is the main reason why we keep ending up coming back.

I ordered a small flat white with a toasted ham and cheese sandwich, while Nathan just got a fresh orange juice. Music played softly through the café.

I bit my lip nervously and built up the courage to ask Nathan what I had been wanting to ask since I got to his car. "What do you think of Heather?"

He looked taken back by the question but regained composure almost instantly. "Look, Angel, I know she's your best friend, but I don't think shes a great influence on you. I mean she spends most of her time partying and hooking up with random guys." His eyes held the same unexplainable expression from earlier.

I pondered for a minute on what he said, I knew he was right. I just didn't want to admit it. She and Nathan were my only close friends and I wasn't ready to give either of them up. Just as I was about to reply, Nathan put his hand on top of mine and smiled. "I know how much she means to you, I just want to make sure she knows what's best for you."

I didn't know what to say, so I nodded.

"I love you." Is what I finally replied with. "I really don't deserve you."

A small frown made a way to his face and his expression fell. "I love you too Angel."



Please join us to celebrate the marriage between Desmond Styles and Anastasia Pender on the date of December 5th.

The words replayed in my head like a broken record. I was disgusted, angry. How could my father get married again after the last one ended so poorly? How would my mum feel? Who even is this chick he is marrying? He's never once mentioned her to me.

"I'm not fucking going!" I threw the flimsy paper down and huffed.

Mum came and put a hand on my back and started stroking circles around my shoulder blade. Her soft, caring touch calmed me. "I know sweetie, but it's time for you to go spend time with your father. This is your opportunity to build a better relationship with him."

Why the fuck would I want a relationship with that piece of shit?

"Harry your father already booked all your flights, and the wedding is in 3 days. You might as well go back and see him as well as your high school friends." Her voice was steady and calm. This meant a lot to her I could tell. She wanted to move in with her new boyfriend Mike but wouldn't do it while I was staying with her.


I wasn't sure why I agreed, but before I knew it I was on the plane on my way to Australia.

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