{Chapter one}

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Izuku POV:

I couldn't believe it.

Not even a month after saving Bakugou he. . . he disappeared again.

No lead, no motive, no nothing.

He had completely dropped off the face of the earth and had left me behind in the process.

Before it happened everything had seemed completely fine, better even.

He was a bit more caring towards me than he already was, and when I asked why he just said he realized how didn't deserve me.

Of course, I told him how much he did, and I tried to reassure him, but he still seemed unsure.

When doing class battle simulations, he seemed quieter, but even more provoked and deadly.

But then he up and left.

Class 1- now 2A and all of UA'S staff were working day and night to try and locate him, questioning everyone including myself who might've known something- anything about his whereabouts.

I felt awful, as about a week before he had left, we had a serious talk.

He had broken down, talking about how messed up society was, and how he was starting to hate heroes, villains, himself, the world we lived in, and many other things.

I had tried to explain how his feelings were justified, but not everyone was to blame.

I tried to tell him about Allmight like when we were little, and how our class and the others in our school we're all working to make the world a better place.

We cried for a long time, hugged and comforted each other, and while I think he believed me, there was still something in his eyes that told me otherwise.

Since he had left, I had picked up a new routine;
Wake up, get coffee or an energy drink, train, go to class, train at school, go to dorms and talk or eat if need be, and then go to my room and stay up at night crying.

All I could do to cope was train so it would maybe keep me from thinking about what could've happened to him and what I could've done to help him.

It wasn't good for me, but it kept me sane enough to think and do what I could to help get him back.

That was until I got a strange call from an unknown number.

Third Person POV:

Off in a secluded part of Japan, one home to vast empty fields mostly void of people other than the occasional small village and passerby, a lone teen by the name of Katsuki woke up in his bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and starting his routine.

After cleansing himself of the previous day's grit, he put his clothes and glasses on and began to study.

If he didn't keep up on his education, there's no way he would make it when he returned to the real world.

After studying a few hours he took off his glasses and went into the nearest forest to begin his quirk training.

During his absence, he had been training himself to be less flamboyant and reckless with his quirk so he wouldn't draw as much attention.

This was extremely difficult due to his type of quirk, but after five or so months of perilous strategizing, he figured out what method he could use to maintain stealthiness and stay discreet.

His chosen method was using his quirk for projectiles, and to practice, he used what nature had given him- animals.

And no it wasn't like he just used them for free game.

Anything he killed, he took it back to his cottage and used it for his meals; if he shot a bird he could eat it for that night, and if he killed a doe he could use it for the next two or so days since he had no means of refrigeration- either that or he would sometimes take his winnings to the small village near him if he had leftovers at home.

His training in the wild had trained him in a few skills, those included being able to climb and move around almost silently, his projectile training had manufactured his quirk to shoot from his hands almost like bullets, plus the drawback wasn't as harsh, and when he was lucky enough to kill something like a small deer it taught him vital points that would kill things, including people.

After he returned to his cottage from the woods, he looked at a watch he kept and saw it was only noon.

After a while of pondering he decided that it was time to make his move.

He packed up the few items he had in his temporary home, which consisted of a few outfits, a water filter, his watch, a picture of his beloved, books of study he had for his current grade level, a first aid kit, a bit of cash and a large jacket.

He packed all of this into the large duffel bag that the stuff had originally been packed into and hauled it onto his shoulder, taking one last look at his home before heading out.

If he wanted to make it into the closest city before nightfall, he would need to make haste.

On the way, he started reciting the only number he had memorized other than his mothers- his boyfriend's, Izuku.

After a few hours of changing between walking and using his quirk normally he made his way into Musutafu city and it didn't take long for him to find a store and buy a burner phone he could call on.

He pulled up his hood and walked into the nearest Starbucks and found a seat with no windows nearby, ordering a frappuccino and pulling out his phone.

He took a few deep breaths before  punching in the digits, hoping he would get an answer.




After the third ring it went to voicemail, and he considered giving up but remembered that the greenete didn't usually pick up for unknown numbers.

Figuring he could at least try one more time, he gave himself a pep talk and punched in the number once again.




The boy was shocked, to say the least, not believing that he was hearing his boyfriends voice for the first time in months.

"Hello? Is there anyone there." the boy said, probably confused at the silence.

"Izuku is that you?"


After a while of silence on the other line, he thought that the other had hung up, but then a broken voice spoke on the other line,

" Katsu..... is that really you?" said the other boy, crying quietly.

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