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Zoya felt herself shrivel up into a fetal position as she began sobbing unbearably. She thought those memories were over. She was ready to have a new life with Aditya, then why? All she was reminded of was their disgusting touch all over her skin. How painful it was for her as they each mercilessly assaulted her.

Seeing Zoya react so sporadically, Aditya knew what they were doing had triggered her. He had mentally prepared himself for this kind of response since knowing the truth about what happened and he acted immediately on instinct. He made himself decent quickly before rushing to the opposite side of the bed she was facing, bringing the duvet over her, covering her body. He softly placed a kiss on her forehead while patting her hair.

"Shhh Zoya, it's just me baby. Don't worry. No one will hurt you. Shhh..." He continued petting her hair as she curled up in his chest. The heat of their warm skin touching provided a soothing relief for her as her wails started to slowly fade. Taking note of that, Aditya immediately wrapped his arms around her as he felt her tightly clutch onto his chest.

"I'm s-sorry, Aditya." She mumbled, burying her face in his chest.

"For what, Zoya? You have nothing to be sorry for..." He responded, cupping her soft cheeks and making her look at him.

"Yes, I do. I thought I was ready but as soon as we started to do that, I got reminded of what happened previously. I can't even give you the love you deserve, like a normal wife could. I'm sorry." She said with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Aditya used his thumbs to remove the tiny droplets streaming down her cheeks.

"Baby, if you think love is solely about sex, then you're highly mistaken. When I promised to love you for the rest of my life, I meant it. And your reaction is normal, Zoya. Please don't think I expect anything of you. In fact, I am sorry. I rushed into it too. I shouldn't have been so demanding." He whispered before kissing her softly.

"No, weren't at all. Please don't think that, you stopped every time and asked if it was okay. I just...I'm not ready yet, Aditya." She said, feeling defeated.

"And that's one hundred percent okay, Zoya. We wouldn't do anything until you feel comfortable." He said, reassuringly.

He placed his right arm over her body that now lay glued to his and slowly began petting her as she drifted off into a slumber, he shortly joined her...


Aditya awoke to the feeling of his favorite pair of lips on his forehead. He smiled as he opened his eyes to find Zoya leaning above him. Her hair was wet and she was already in fresh clothing, indicating that she had been up long before him.

"Sorry, you looked so cute while sleeping, I didn't have the heart to wake you up," She smiled.

He smiled as he sat up on the bed and pulled her down to sit next to him. He pressed his forehead against hers.

"Wake me up like this everyday, begum sahiba." He whispered.

She broke away from their proximity and held his hand as she looked down at their fingers interlocking.

"Aditya, you're the best husband ever. I-I was so scared about last night. Yet you were so reassuring and kind and gentle. Guys like you really are rare." She muttered.

"While I appreciate your praise, baby. I beg to differ." He said removing his hand from hers and gently brushing her nose with his forefinger in a humoristic manner.

"You should never be treated less than anyone special just because you were a victim of a heinous situation, Zoya. I know society will always paint me out to be the hero in your life and even you do, but it irks me sometimes because it is wrong. I'm treating you like this because you are my wife and I'm madly in love with you. You deserve everything another girl would, in fact you deserve more because I'm quite sure there's never been another like you ever made. And you should never ever be made to feel less than. If anything, I should be made to feel undeserving of you."

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