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Hi guys! We've officially crossed 1000 reads! I'm so thankful to you all <3 Never thought anyone would read this story if I'm being 100% honest.

Also this chapter is a little disturbing so read at your discretion.

As the clock struck 5 AM, he hurriedly rolled out of his bed. He immediately kept a black mask over his face that blended in with his all black scrubs before stealthily slipping out of the door, being quiet enough not to wake up his Maya. He grabbed Maya's I.D. card before slipping out of the door.

As he prepared to enter the psychiatric ward, he placed a surgeon mask over his already invisible face. Not surprised at the fact that the guard was sleeping, he proceeded to enter the psychiatric ward by scanning Maya's ID by the reader, gaining him access to the location. He tiptoed in the hall way as the dim lights made it harder for him to see. He stopped in front of Room 340 and glanced at the sign. Aditya Hooda, psychiatric patient.

He scanned Maya's ID, allowing him to push the door open quietly.

Aditya was awoken by the sound of his door creaking. He rubbed his eyes as he tried to make out who the intruder disturbing his sleep was. He saw a scary looking man in hospital scrubs proceed closed to him.

"Who are you?!" He questioned.

"Aditya, don't you recognize me?" He questioned. "I am Zoya's friend."

Aditya scratched his head trying to remember who this intruder was and shook his head violently.

"No! No! Zoya only have one friend. Zoya only have one friend. Aditya is Zoya friend. No one else. Zoya only have one friend. YOU'RE LYING!" He yelled in a childlike manner while clutching his bedsheets closer to him, afraid of this person who was in his room.

"Aw man! Aditya! I can't believe you don't believe me. That's just too sad because Zoya had sent me to get you. She wanted to spend time with you!" Sahir said convincingly.

Aditya thought about it a little harder. Her remembered his brother Arjun telling him not to trust strangers, but what if he got to meet Zoya? Zoya wasn't spending time with him anymore and he wanted to see her. So he decided to trust this man in his room.

"She does?" His face lit up.

"Yeah! She asked me to bring you!" He smirked.

Aditya got excited thinking about spending time with Zoya again, she seemed so upset this morning. Maybe she was upset because he asked her to change her hair. He made a mental note to not ask her to do anything else. He didn't want to upset his Zoya and make her sad again.

"Okay!" Aditya said while getting off of his bed.

"Follow me!" Sahir told him.

Aditya hurriedly straightened up himself to look good for Zoya and proceeded to follow Sahir out into the hallway. The lights were so dim and he was wondering why Zoya called him so early in the morning, but he brushed off the thoughts thinking that maybe she missed him too and she couldn't wait to see him just as much as he couldn't wait to see her!

A part of Sahir had questioned if he was doing the right thing. But as soon as his mind tried to reason, the images of Maya flashed through his mind. When he found her on the footpath in Mumbai, her clothes torn, the blood flowing from arms, the bone dislocated in her leg, the purple bruises covering her face. He couldn't even recognize it was Zoya from Mussorie, where they had grown up together. As he tried to pick her up that night and rush her to safety, the way blood was flowing from in between her legs were memories he could never remove from his brain. When he finally got her hospitalized, it was then he realized who she was and he couldn't help but wish hell on whoever caused this to her. Even though Aditya wasn't the one that did it, Sahir always blamed him for the state he found Maya in and even though Aditya was mentally unstable now, he couldn't help but wish for him to suffer. To suffer just as Maya did through her nightmares, just as she did when she couldn't walk for days, just as she did when she was being treated. And Sahir wasn't one to wait on Karma, he decided to take things into his own hands. The same way Allah sent him into Zoya's life was the same way he believed Allah sent him to destroy Aditya Hooda.

Adhura AlviidaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora