challenger games (3)

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Eliana pov
I woke up again but this time I was the last to leave the house, my mom was at work while my sister went to a friends house for the day and I would have to pick her up.
I got dressed in ripped jeans and my school sweatshirt. I put my red vans on to match the red mascot for out school. I throw my curly hair into a bun and I collect my things and head to school.

Classes were longer today but I finished strong. I saw more people at the field but different than Jake yesterday. "Please keep it clean!" I shout and they raise thumbs. I go in my car and make my way to Giana's friends.

I pull up and knock on the door, Giana opens it and glares at me joined with her friend. "What did I do?" I say oblivious by her hard look. "You were in Jakes vlog?! And you didn't tell me?!" She asked and he friend nods. "What? I met a Jake but I have no idea who he is" I declare "Jake Paul! The one and only, he called you beautiful?!" She freaks. "I'm sorry, if I see him again I'll take a picture for you" I say and she nods. I laugh and she gathers her bags and hops into the passenger. I start to drive back home. "They're tomorrow." She says and I raise a brow. "What?" I say. "The Challenger Games? Tomorrow!" She says and my eyes go wide, "Okay?! I just got on break, I thought I'll have a day at least but I guess not" I say and she put her head down. "I'm sorry, it's just I'm really excited" she tells me and I nod. "I understand, it's fine. Really." I reassured her and she smiles.
I got home and I go up to my room. I changed into sweats and a sports bra again, it's been hot recently. I redid my hair into a pony tail and I started to cook dinner for Gi and I.

"Gi!" I shout, she comes down stairs in her pajamas with her IPad. "Here's your food, please sit at the counter" I tell her and she nods and jumps into the stool. I eat next to her and she talks about how excited she is. I still don't know who she's talking about other than I know she likes a Jake.

It was time for bed and I turn her light out and head to my room.

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