challenger games (2)

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Eliana pov
I had early classes today so I was out the house before the other two. I only had three classes so it's an easy day, although I have to do some work on the field.

I finished classes quite easily and I get a call from my mom "Hey" I say when I answer. "Hey! Don't forget! Please try? Your sister really wants to go" she says and I sigh. "I have to find someone to talk about it, the right person" I tell her. We say our goodbyes and I walk out to the field I see more people on the field and I can't hold the work off anymore so I use my key and open the gates to the pannels. I check electrical to make sure no ones messed with it. It's good and I walk out and lock it back. I place my bag on the bleachers and I start to walk around checking for trash and anything else. I get close to the people that were filming and the boy waves to me. "Hey, how are you? Just filming" he says awkwardly. "Hey, I'm good. Just checking the fields and bleachers" I tell him as I continue to walk. As I continued I feel hot and I needed water. I ran across the field to my bag and grab my water. I go back and continue. I meet with the same guy and he smiles and waves again. "You're beautiful!" He shouts and I smile wide "thank you! Although you look like you have a girlfriend?!" I shout back. "I do! I'm just complimenting you!" He says and I nod. "I'm Eliana" I tell him. "Jake" He says "Well Jake I'm finished, please don't mess up my field" I tell him and he nods "sure thing" he says. I wave and walk to my car. But. I forgot I had to talk to someone. I sigh and chuck my bag in my car. I run into the indoor gym and see the track and field coach. "Just who I need! Sir?!" I shout as he was about to walk out. "Oh?! Eliana? Didn't expect you needing me." He says and I chuckle. "So you know my little sister Gi?" I ask and he smiles "of course! She's a sweetheart" he tells me and I laugh. "Well, her "idol" is hosting some event and she was wondering if I can use my student pass to go to the event but buy the meet and greet ticket?" I ask and he raises a brow and thinks. "I can make it work. I'll e-mail you later tomorrow for anything I find out" he says and I nod "thank you!" I say as I walk backwards, he waves and I run out to my car.
I finally get home and I see my sister peek her head out the window from her room upstairs. I get out and she shouts "so?!" She asked "I have good news!" I tell her and I walk in, I hear thumping from the steps and she hugs me. "So I have good news, but there is a fine print to it" I tell her she nods and listens. "So I talked to the coach. He said that he could do something since they're using his Stuff, he gets a say. So most likely yes! You can so go ahead and buy the tickets" I say as I look up at my mom and she nods. "Thank you Eli" Gi says and I hug her.

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