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 "Where are we headed?"

Lukas spared only a brief glance back at her. "You'll see. Grab on- Kicidian takes off fast."

Petra glared at the back of his head. "I'll see? I think not. Where are we going?"

"Why do you feel the need to know everything beforehand? Are you that afraid of surprises?" he returned. She let out a disdainful huff.

"Surprises can be horrible. I like to be prepared."

He nodded, adjusting his grip on the reigns and reaching forward to pat the dragon's neck. "True, true. But I think you'll like this."

She didn't have time to reply to that before Kicidian unfurled his wings and leaped into the air with absolutely no preamble. Sliding back several inches, Petra yelped and wrapped her arms around Lukas. She was used to Rhys's takeoffs, which, while being just as swift, were a lot smoother.

"I warn-ed you!" Lukas singsonged casually as the silver dragon's manically flapping wings settled into a smooth rhythm. Petra cursed under her breath and sat up straighter, finding it easier to balance now that Kicidian's flight pace had evened.

This wasn't entirely new territory for her. She'd gone night-flying several times, but wasn't as used to riding bareback, since Rhys's spine was lined with sharp ridges.

There was something impossibly peaceful about flying at night, and she found herself starting to relax against her will. The scrubby desert that covered most of Jefinscha stretched out below them, the landscape dotted with huge sedimentary rock formations and bristly Joshua trees.

She had to admit, as hot and dry as the place was during the day, the arid kingdom was beautiful from up here. The bright eye of the open moon lit up every detail of the rocks in a monochrome glow, leaving the crevasses beneath and between formations in dense shadow.

Kicidian flew on for several long minutes, seeming very confident in his path. Lukas seemed infinitely at ease as well, making her again wonder where exactly they were going.

But she stayed silent, knowing that if she inquired about their destination again, she would most likely get nothing more than another 'you'll see', or something equally infuriating.

After around twenty minutes- maybe more, maybe less -the sandy desertscape below faded into dried yellow grasslands dotted with large boulders in an array of dark colours. Petra straightened up again, looking around Kicidian's flapping wings at the new sights below.

They were nearing the border of Jefinscha. The silver mount swooped upwards, following the landscape as it rose into broad hills that she'd seen looming in the distance of the desert.

Only a minute or so later, Kicidian gradually slowed and landed gracefully on a particularly flat area. Lukas dismounted immediately, rubbing his dragon's neck affectionately.

Petra slid off as well, her mind full of questions. She began to follow Lukas, but was momentarily distracted by Kicidian bending his long silver neck and beginning to graze. The grass was brittle and dry, but he didn't seem to mind.

Lukas seemed to notice her confusion. "Some dragons eat meat, some eat rocks...Kicidian eats grass. He likes hay or leaves, too, but his favorite food is vegetables. He likes carrots best."

Still watching the silver dragon, she asked in disbelief, "You...have...a vegetarian dragon?"

He smiled, more than a little sheepishly. "Yep."

Shaking her head, Petra walked over to where Lukas stood. She caught her breath as she realized they were standing at the edge of a formidable cliff, the yellow plain dropping off completely just a few feet away.

Complications - Luktra AUWhere stories live. Discover now