CHAPTER 3 - "Power of the Flowers" (part 1)

Start from the beginning

Sommers winced at something. "15 years old and she got a lot of injuries from shrapnels. Agent Matrik? Hm. Service record for 2 years, and it states she actually ran on different stealth missions too. Hm...! She's being brought back from Triquett."

"Yes... and she also fits... parameters." The scientist said this, emphasizing his last word of parameters. "Mid-teens and very much capable. Plus, she's an agent now... And her own injuries..."

"I know. My research is slowed just because no one wanted to simulate an injury just enough that their bodies would have room for my serums... Hm... Maybe if Agent Matrik were to fill that void..." Sommers stands from her seat and walks off her desk. "Doctor Mathers, with me!" She said it urgently just as she leaves her office.

Senna – I could hear him that time... The rotors of the transport helicopter weren't that far, and N'Zala was attacking the hull with his punches. He's disappointed. I can't blame him. I was hurt... very badly...

Senna was still badly hurt with the shrapnel. Her poor condition even while being bandaged up and being given oxygen supply still will not save her without proper treatment. N'Zala was calling on his smart phone immediately. The ride was steady, but even if the chopper can get to the main kingdom region, there's no guarantee Senna would survive immediately. Parts of her that are bandaged are still bleeding.

Eventually, N'Zala got on the line. "I need emergency medical service to arrive on the east wing helipads. I have an immediate patient in critical condition. Case-4 shrapnel and burns are the causes."

"Then the current medical service will not work." The woman on the other line answered, and she seemed to have an urgent type of speed in her tone. "Senior Agent N'Zala, I know it's you. Listen to me very carefully. A patient in her condition will not make it in time to even have her stretcher moved at all. Based on the photos and the condition she has from the shrapnels, she won't make even 3 minutes out of being moved. Her internal organs are compromised."

"So what is there to do?!" N'Zala shouted this, still feeling he was responsible for letting this happen. "Damn it, if you have a solution so that Senna would live and not die like this. She might be a Recon Agent assigned to Sentry, but this is not the right way she would leave this world. Please..."

The woman on the other line groaned. She sounded like she didn't like what she was about to tell him. "Damn it all," she would mutter. "Alright, alright!!! Current stretcher operative who's with you has a few vial-syringes with him. I told him to gather a few samples of the potent plants that would help speed up healing properties, and should help in research. But it won't be enough. Senna's body will slowly reject it-"

"Goddamn it, no time, woman!" N'Zala would look at the stretcher operative beside him and he didn't need to speak. The operative gave what N'Zala needed... A vial-syringe that contained some green liquid of sorts. The vial is metallic in nature, though the glass makes it possible to see the green liquid. Then he noticed he was still on the phone with the woman. "Who are you-?"

"No time. Do you have the vial syringe?"

"I do," N'Zala replied with a sense of urgency. "Where should I inject her with it?"

"Anywhere is good. I prefer you target any part with veins." The woman said this with urgency as she felt he needed to do something.

N'Zala would look at the vial-syringe, and was able to find a way to deploy the needle. He would walk to one side of the injured and unconscious Senna before he would safely jam the needle to a vein-portion of Senna's arm. He pushed down on a button to release the green solution inside the vial, and he saw it slowly drained, possibly through the needle and into Senna's body...

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