Chapter 2

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Amelia felt his eyes on her before she saw him.

She was on her way to school walking with her friend Amanda who was talking about a movie she was over-excited about.

Amanda could not stop going on and on about how this movie was going to be the best movie ever.

In her words, she was dying waiting for it to come out in theaters.

Amanda was a lovable breath of fresh air in Amelia's life.

She was beautiful but her looks were defiantly understated by her clothing choices and severe shyness.

Amanda lived her social life through movies as she was too scared to indulge in real human interaction outside of her small social circle that included Amelia and a select few people she deemed worth her time.

Amanda was talking about how she had read the book three times and was for sure she would be able to talk the monologue out perfectly.

Amelia had been agreeing with Amanda when she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

Drawing her brows together she began to look around discreetly to see what might have caused her feeling of being watched.

She didn't have to search very hard because when she looked across the street there he was.

He was leaning against a large motorcycle, his leather jacket was tossed over his right shoulder, his hair was windblown but still stylish and his muscular arms were crossed over his chest causing his biceps to bulge a bit.

His black biker bar t-shirt was straining to fit around his shoulders.

His feet were crossed at the ankle and his biker boots were covered with a heavy layer of dust.

The guy was ripped; he was also scowling at her.

What had she done to have invoked that look from him she wondered?

While Amelia was openly looking at this strange man taking him in she had ignored her friend and Amanda soon realized she was no longer being listened to.

Amanda looked across the street to see what had distracted Amelia.

When Amanda saw, what had captured Amelia's attention she reached out to grasp Amelia's left shoulder tugging it a little to get Amelia's attention.

When Amelia turned to Amanda, Amanda motioned with her head for them to move out of the strangers' line of sight.

Amelia didn't know why Amanda seemed so worried about the stranger, she had never seen him around town before and so she just assumed he was traveling through.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked Amanda as soon as the guy could no longer see them.

Amanda stopped walking, she looked around for a minute to make sure they were no longer being watched before she spoke.

"That guy, the one you couldn't take your eyes from... the one who was looking at you like he wanted to do bad things to you... that was Quillon Monroe." Amanda said and by her tone, Amelia knew that hearing his name was supposed to mean something to her... but it didn't.

"Okay and just who is Quillon Monroe?" Amelia teasingly exaggerated his name.

Amanda was not amused, "Quillon is the leader of the Ronin Riders, his father was the founder."

Again, Amelia was lost. "Okay the name sounds familiar and using my powers of deduction I am going with him being in a biker gang." Amelia knew she had made Amanda upset by Amanda's now belligerent tone.

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