• the end (last chapter) •

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"Hi!" Mom greeted happily as Auggie and I hopped off the bus. "Oh my gosh I missed you two so much!"She engulfed us in a hug. "How are you two?"

"Good," Auggie replied hastily. "And guess what? We got in a fight!"

"I might've twisted my ankle," I added.

Mom gasped. "Are you ok?!"

Suddenly, dad was coming from beside the bus. "What happened?"

"Auggie and Amber got in a fight. Amber twisted her ankle!" Mom exclaimed.

Dad sighed. "That's terrible. I'm sorry. Did you win? I'm getting a vibe they might've won."

"Yeah, we won!" Auggie cheered. "And guess what? They were seventh graders!"

"See you later, guys," Miles told us, waving as he left.

"Bye guys!" Summer and Charlotte unifies as they passed.

We waved in response. Jack passed by us, waving to Mom and Dad. "Bye Mr. and Mrs. P! Bye Auggie! Happy Birthday, Amber!"


I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, faintly seeing Via smile as well. "You look beautiful," she complimented.

"Thank you," I said. "You do too."

We were ready for 5th grade Graduation, which meant nice dresses and pristine suits.

"Girls!" Mom called. "Time to go!"

The choir concluded their song, and Mr. Tushman stepped up to mic, beginning to speak. "Thank you choir! That was beautiful. Ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, graduates. The final award this morning is the Henry Ward Beecher medal to honor students who have been notable or exemplary. Usually, it's a good works, a service award. But I came upon a passage that he wrote, which made me realize that good works come in many forms. 'Greatness' he wrote, 'lies not in being strong but in the right using of strength. He or she is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own.' Without further ado, this year, I am very proud to award the Henry Ward Beecher medal to the student whose quiet strength had carried up the most hearts.

So, will August Pullman please come up here to receive his award?"

The auditorium filled with applause as I turned to Auggie, squeezing his arm tightly. Auggie made his way up to the stage, accepting his award as the whole auditorium stood up.

"Hey," Jack greeted, coming up to me after the ceremony.

"Hi," I replied, sending him a smile.

"I've...I've been meaning to tell you something," he said.

"Go for it," I persuaded. "I'm all ears."

Jack sucked in a breath, quickly replying, "I like you. More than a friend."

I paused. Jack likes...me? Of all people?

I must've hesitated too long because Jack sighed. "Sorry, Sorry—"

"No!" I cut him off, reaching out and grabbing his hand. "I like you too. More than a friend."

A smile so wide it hurt spread across Jack's face as he squeezed my hand. "So...What does that mean?"

"It means, we're too young to date," I deadpanned, giving Jack a small frown. "But I'll wait. If you're willing to wait until we're older as well."

Jack nodded, holding my hand up to his lips before gently kissing it. "I'd wait a thousand years if it meant I'd end up with you."


𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨🌼                            (JACK WILL X OC) Where stories live. Discover now