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• Amber •

"Thank you very much Mr. Julian. Let's hear your two things."

"Ok. One, I just got Battleground Mystic on my Wii and it's totally awesome. And two, we got a ping pong table this summer." Julian day done in his seat before Mr. Brown beamed, "Amazing. Any questions for Julian?" A redhead towards the back of the room raised his hand.

"Is Battleground Mystic multiplayer or single player?" The class erupted in giggles as Auggie and I sent each other annoyed glances. "Not those kind of questions. Okay, uh...who next?" Mr. Brown turned to Auggie and nodded his head. Auggie rolled his eyes and stood up, turning towards the class.

"Hi. My name's August Pullman. Auggie. And um...I have two sisters named Via and Amber and I have a dog named Daisy. And I like Star Wars. And I just said three things. Sorry." He sighed, sitting back down in his chair. "That sounds like a bonus to me! Three things, thank you very much, Auggie, that was perfect. Who's next?"

Before anyone else could raise their hand, Julian's shot up. "I actually have a question for Auggie. What's the deal with the braid in the back of your hair? Is it like a Padawan thing?" Charlotte turned to Jack confused. "What's a Padawan thing?" I smiled sweetly. "It's a Star Wars thing. A Padawan is a Jedi apprentice." I replied. "Who's your favorite character, Auggie?" Julian questioned. "Boba Fet." Auggie answered. "What about Darth Sidious? Do you like him?"

Darth Sidious. The one with the messed up face.

"Ok, can we talk about Star Wars at recess?" Mr. Brown suggested. "All right. Who wants to read this months precept?" Hands across the classroom shot up, but Mr. Brown called on a dark skinned and dark haired girl. "What's about you? What's your name?" The girl crouched down in her chair and mumbled, "Summer."

"Summer. Wanna give it a shot?" Mr. Brown moved out of the way so Summer could read the board. "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." She read. I smiled at the words.

And alas, lunch.

Auggie and I sat alone at our table, chatting about how stupid the founding fathers were when someone came over to our table. "Hey, can I sit there?" Auggie turned in his seat. "Sure!" He replied enthusiastically. "You eat like a Sarlacc monster, my young Padawan." Julian scoffed. He made his way to the table towards our right, and Auggie set down his sandwich. "Auggie—"

"Don't you dare try to comfort me." He whispered.

Auggie's favorite.
"Crush them." I whispered.
Auggie nodded.

"Newton's first law of motion! An Object in motion will stay in motion unless..." Ms. Petosa asked us, and I frowned. What? She had already assigned seats. Auggie ended up with Jack Will and I ended up with Summer. "That's ok. I didn't expect you to know that on the first day." She joked.

But, Auggie slowly raised his hand. "Acted On by another force." Ms. Petosa's face went from mischievous to shocked in the snap of a finger, but she smiled nonetheless. "Acted On by another force. Very good! Here's how it works. A moving object will only change its speed or direction if something else causes it to do so."

Auggie and I stepped out of school together, mentally groaning as Julian, a redhead named Miles, a shorty named James, and a bulky guy named Amos followed us out of the doors. "Hey, Darth Hideous. Did you hear?" Julian started. "Padawan braids were lame 15 years ago. Supposedly, with a D."

We didn't answer, we just kept walking.

"Dude! More like they were always lame." James added. "See you tomorrow." Julian murmured. "Later, Barf Hideous!" Mikes exclaimed. Auggie flipped up his hoodie and walked ahead of me. "Auggie! Wait up!" I exclaimed, running to catch up with him. Once we made it to mom, she smiled, "Hey." Auggie grabbed the astronaut helmet in her hands and slipped it on before simply replying, "Hey Mom."

Mom turned to me and smiled weakly, kissing me softly on the forehead.

"Auggie!" I yelled as he rushed towards Via's room. "Via don't let him in!" But, Via didn't hear my cry. Auggie stormed into her room, me rushing in behind him. "Auggie, Amber you're supposed to knock. I'm serious this time." She told us. "Sorry Via." I panted. I attempted to get Via to stop Auggie, but he was already at the drawer, pulling out the scissors.

Then, Auggie cut his Padawan braid.

"What happened?" Via asked, grabbing Auggie's arm to stop him from leaving. Auggie tipped his hand away from Via's grasp and stormed out. "What happened?" Via repeated to me. I sat down on her bed and responded, "Some kid made fun of it." Via nodded.

"How's Miranda?" I asked her. Via paused, blinking rapidly before smiling and rubbing my back. "Miranda's fine."


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