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When we finally arrived at the camp, we signed in and chose bunks.

I got a bunk with Summer.

After that, we got to do a bunch of stuff like Tug-A-War and Canoeing.

Later that night, we were all gathered together to watch a movie.

"Ok, you guys get the snacks, and Summer and I will find seats," I explained.

Jack gave me a thumbs up. "Ok. Wanna share some popcorn?"

"Me and Summer?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side.

His smile fell. "Uh...yeah. Yeah. I'll share with Auggie."

"Ok." I grinned. "See ya."

"See ya."

Summer and I grabbed some seats close enough to see well, but not close to the point where we're right in front of the screen.

"Woah," Summer marveled, grabbing my hand. "Cool bracelet. Who gave it to you?"

"Oh, Jack did," I told her. "For my birthday."

"Ooo!" She exclaimed, teasing me. "He totally likes you."

"Shut up," I gushed. "He does not."

"Does too," She nagged.

"Hey guys," Jack greeted, handing me a box of popcorn.

"Thanks," I said as he and Auggie sat down next to me.

One of the counselors began to give some random speech. "Welcome to the 23rd annual Big Movie Saturday in the Broarwood Nature Reserve! Tonight's movie will be...The Wizard of Oz!"

I smiled softly, turning to look at Jack as his face fell.

"What's wrong?" I whispered as the movie began to play.

"You wanna go outside?" Jack whispered to Auggie and I. "We can watch this movie anytime."

I shrugged. "Ok."

We giggled collectively while taking in the beautiful scenery around us.

"Aw, man," Jack started. "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Wanna go back?" I offered.

"Nah, I'll just go over here," he said.

I let out a disgusted groan. "Gross! I'll wait over here I guess."

Jack And Auggie ran a bit ahead. I could faintly make out their voices as I leaned against a tree.

The sound of some older kids talking disrupted the silence.

"What do we got here? Couple of losers stinking up the woods."

Immediately, I ran to the circle where Auggie and Jack were. In front of us we're three older kids: two guys and a girl.

The guy gasped as Auggie turned around. "Holy crap! Look at his face! He's a freak! Jesus, I've never seen anything that ugly in my life."

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "Shut up!"

"Come on, Amber let's go," Jack urges, grabbing Auggie and my arm.

"Where are you three going?" The guy wearing a beanie asked. "I'm talking to you, Gollum. This the one mask to rule them all? My precious."

The guy reached out to touch Auggie, but Jack slapped his hand back. "Hey, what's your problem!?"

He shoved Jack back. "Your boyfriend's my problem."

"Leave him alone, buttwipe!" I shouted.

The guy grabbed me by my hair, tugging on it tightly as a way to force me to the ground.

"Hey!" Auggie yelled. "Leave them alone."

The guy scoffed. "What are you gonna do about it? Get outta my way."

"No," Auggie stayed firmly.

"I said, get outta my way!"

"I said no!" Auggie yelled.

He shoved Auggie back, causing me to let out a strangled scream.

"Yo," a familiar voice called. "What's up man?"

I looked up to see Amos, Miles, and James approach the circle.

"What's this? More little freaks?" The guy muttered.

"Eddie," the girl began, but Eddie silenced her.

"What you call us, hick?" Amos shot at Eddie.

Amos rammed into Eddie, and they began to fight when Jack's hand was suddenly grabbing me and helping me up.

James and Miles began to take on the other guy as their girl friend shouted: "Guys, stop! Guys, stop it!"

"Go!" Amos screeched at us. "Go!"

As I turned to go, Eddie weakly grabbed my leg, causing me to trip.

I cried out in pain. "Help! My ankle!"

Jack turned to me. "Can you walk?"

I shakily attempted to push myself back on my feet, but failed. The burning sensation in my ankle forced me back down on the ground.

Jack frantically looked around. "I might need to carry you!"

I looked up at him. "Are you sure?"

He nodded, then bent down and tucked on hand behind my back and one behind my legs, picking me up and beginning to run alongside Auggie.

Finally, we made it to the dock.

Jack set me down on the ground, placing a hand behind his head and wincing slightly.

"Dude, are you ok?" Auggie questioned.

"You're bleeding," I told him.

There was a rustling in the distance.

"What was that? Something's coming," Jack reported. "Amos?"

And, sure enough, it was Amos: accompanied by Miles and James.

"They follow you?" Jack asked.

"I think we lost them," Amos replied before everyone broke out into unexpected laughter.

Amos turned to look at me on the ground. "Woah, are you ok?"

I shook my head and grimaced. "My ankle. Hurts."

"You might've broken it," He explained grimly.

"How did you guys know we needed help?" Jack pondered.

"We saw them follow you out of the lodge," Amos said.

I couldn't bother to listen to the rest. I laid back on the rocks, closing my eyes and trying to forget the immense pain in my ankle.




𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨🌼                            (JACK WILL X OC) Where stories live. Discover now