Montana had been signing for at least thirty minutes

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Montana had been signing for at least thirty minutes. He would look up occasionally to make sure Kacey was good and no one was bothering her, cause he would hate to have to cause a scene or end up in jail on this day.

"Damn you fine in your pictures, but you sexy in person." A girl said boldly as she stood in front of the table eyeing Montana.

Montana turned his attention to her as he took in her features...

Montana turned his attention to her as he took in her features

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He noticed the tattoos on her face and some on her body. She was a beautiful girl but wasn't his type.

"Preciate it sweetheart." He says smiling being nice as he signed a shirt she had in her hand. He handed it to her as she smiled.

"Do you perform at like Birthday parties or any type of events? My brother is a big fan and his birthday is coming up next month."

"Yeah I do, just go on my Instagram and email my manager and we can set it up."

"Okay." She nodded."Thank you. Guess I'll see you around Montana." She winked as she walked off and the next person in line walked up. Montana watched the girl before he payed attention to the person in front of him.

From not too far away Kacey saw Montana engaging in a conversation with a girl and smiling. So far all he did was sign and thank people for their support.

Montana's security came over and handed him a water. Montana thanked him before he opened the bottle taking a sip.

Montana decided to stand up instead of sitting so he could give his supporters hugs or handshakes and take pictures. He watched as security and his team placed bottles of ciroc and vodka on the table.

"Yo look at this nigga." One of Montana's homeboys said as Montana looked up seeing a man dressed in a spider man costume holding his poster.

"Man I'm on the job right now but I couldn't pass up coming here to meet you." The man in the costume said.

"I appreciate it cuz."Montana chuckled as he signed his poster before he dapped him up."What's that made of? Leather? I know you hot as shit outside right now."

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