Chapter 1

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A/N Hi everyone! I have decided to rewrite this story. For some reason it just blew up suddenly and I want to rewrite it!!   ***Meredith's POV      My name is Meredith Rosie Cullen. I am the "daughter" of Isabella and Edward Cullen. Identically twin sister of Renesmee Carlie Cullen. You won't hear about me though because Edward and Isabella didn't want me. Nessie is the miracle child and i'm just a mistake. The only ones in the family who feel like that are Bella and Edward but no one will say anything to them in hopes that it will get better and eventually they will love me too. Rose and Emmett treat me as their own though and I consider them my parents.

       Nessie and I are a year old but I appear 16 and she appears 10. I have the gift of a "sponge". I can absorb any gift I come across. At the moment I can:shape-shift, from Jacob, I have the abilities of a witch, from a man I met in the woods named Dumbledore, I can read minds, from EdwardI am an empath, from Jasperand I have a physical and mental shield from Bella.         Nessie and I are a year old. Naturally, Ness and I are the perfect mixes of Edward and Bella. We have wavy brunette hair and brown eyes with flecks of emerald green. I tend to change my appearance to look like my "real" parents. I take on Rose's beautiful blonde hair, and I take on some of Emmett's muscle. I'm a tomboy and girly girl at the same time. I love to shop some days but some days I just want to play in the mud. Okay, Introductions are over now. On with my life!!      Ness and I are playing in the meadow with Jake supervising. Jake is Nessie's imprint and my best friend, most of the family doesn't like him but Edward and Bella think he is protecting Ness from me. Mom and Dad respect him for being so nice to me.

      Suddenly, there's a rustle in the trees. We all turn and see a woman with blonde hair, red eyes, and a sickly sweet smile. She runs after being spotted and Jake says it's time to go home. When we get home everyone rushes to Ness to see that she is okay while mom and dad just hug me tight. Ness doesn't understand what is going on and voices that.

      Bella takes it upon herself to answer, "your selfish sister", she hisses out the word sister like it is poison, " put you in danger by not hiding you from Jane".       Mom stands in front of me, her eyes flashing black, " Meredith didn't do anything. Do you really think she would put Ness in danger.?"     Edwards answers now, " yes."      Dad starts to get angry and logically for once, "Why would she Edward? It would put herself in just as much danger!"

     Jake takes Nessie inside because the screaming was scaring her and Bella stoops lower than I ever thought she would.
      She slapped me. The woman who gave birth to me and was supposed to love me- slapped me.        Dad looks ready to kill but Jasper sends out a wave of calm through out the room and everyone relaxed but me. Mom and Dad wrap me in a hug while the rest of the family head inside knowing it's not good to be around me when i'm angry.

     "I want to leave. " I say abruptly.      Mom and Dad look at each other and I continue,       "Y'all would stay here. I messed up your family already."        Mom cuts me off, " Sweetheart you didn't mess up this family, they did. But, if you want to leave we won't stop you. Promise to stay in contact with us though."       " I will. I promise," is all I am able to say before I bust into tears and mom and dad are hugging me again.         Mom tells me to pack up whatever I want to take and she will take care of everything else. After packing I lay in bed and let the darkness consume me. A/N So this is the first chapter of my rewrite. What do yall think? Is it better ? or worse?I really hated my previous story. It was everywhere and without structure and Meredith's relationship was too easy so those are some things I hope to change in the rewrite. Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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