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He sat alone for several long hours, not moving a muscle save for the repetitive motion of his thumb over the simple, cheap jewelry.

But it had never been cheap in his mother's hands. Her love still sang so brightly around it, no matter that she had never been Force sensitive and was dead for over two decades and some by now. What would she do? It felt like she was looking upon him with disappointment through the snippet. Why was she disappointed? She ought to be proud of power he had found, and the submission he had out of the man who wasn't able to save his wife or child.

"What would you have me do? I finally have it all. No one can hurt me." Luke murmured, as if the little treasure in his hand would give him every answer to his many conflicted questions. But it remained silent as expected. Sighing softly, Luke set the piece over his head and around his neck, hiding it under his shirt before he stood and aimless ambled to the window, Vader's words rushing through his mind. But he could not so easily believe him after everything.

"A home is not a physical thing."

Luke whirled around in a sudden attack stance, his saber flying to his hand though the red blade did not fly from the hilt just yet. What was that? Cautiously, Luke's yellow eyes scanned the vast throne room, only seeing darkness and shadows. But the voice... was it all in his head then? Surely so... everyone his old self loved was dead or fake! Everyone...

Biting his lip, Luke dropped his stance, slowly placing his saber back on his belt as his eyes lingered to the dead body of Sidious. It had been a horrific fight. But the Dark Side had fueled his every movement. When one truly embraced it, it gave you a tunnel vision of focus so potent and so clear. And with it Luke had stood victorious in the end. A magnificent feeling to be truly free, to have proven his power and his worth. That he was everything Vader would never be, and now Luke would be the one to control Vader's every step. A revenge even more sweet than death.

With all this power, he had felt dark glee, invincibility... but not happy. What was happiness? He could barely remember a time that such an emotion ruled his heart and soul.
Nothing made him happy since Erstin died. Nothing.

And suddenly, none of it mattered. What was he doing? Vader was right, this wasn't what Luke would do... and it wasn't what Erstin would want. He fought for the good of other people... and despite the power hungry haze Luke lived in the past years, he could fix this... right? Because finally, the shroud of evil Sidious had thrown over Luke was slipping away with his death as reason banished horrific dreams from a once truly, horribly troubled mind. But Luke Skywalker was stronger than that, he just needed a push, a reason to come back.

"I'm sorry." He murmured into the darkness. Voice so soft, so broken, so tearful as he slowly fell to his knees, burying his face in his hands. But no tears were wept. Moments of mere silence passed. But he knew what to do.

Raising his head slowly, his eyes no longer a sickly yellow, but a brilliant and gentle blue as he stood, regaining physical composure as he started down the staircase, stepping around Sidious' body and hurrying onward, in need to find his father, to apologize, to thank, to love. Because that's what Erstin would want, and that's what Luke really, truly wanted.

The veil of deception and cruel dark promises was finally gone, the Dark Side in a mixture of confusion as its champion broke free from it. Many would only fall further into its grasp. But, with the lies silenced by a wicked mouth the strength of a Skywalker rung true with unchecked might, righteous Light... and love.

Author's Note.
There. See? No more tears! Hey hey! I said no more tears, unless they're happy. XD
May the Force be with you and your tears!

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