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Fear never stayed as it was for long.

With enough time, with the right pushes, fear could be molded and changed into something truly horrible. And that is what happened to Luke Skywalker.

His potent fear, after many months, finally became anger. And anger became hatred, and hatred, became power.

His tormentors came back one day, to find the blonde prisoner in his usual corner. But as they approached the boy, whispering promises of their vile plans, Luke's anger flared and was fanned into a bonfire, his fear the eager kindling. The Force curled menacingly, with such a darkness that even the non Force Sensitive tormentors could feel the change in atmosphere. Suddenly the boy stood, his bloodied hands shooting forward as a bone chilling scream ripped from his throat. The Force burst with so much savagery, the men weren't even pushed back. Instead their bodies were reduced to ashes the moment the Force energy touched them, ashes and little embers bursting and fluttering to the floor as the men never had time to even scream aloud.

Luke breathed heavily, his hands curling into fists as he stared at the ashes, a sense of power and dominance slowly washing over him. This was a good feeling. A feeling Luke had never before experienced in his life. Not even when he proved his superior flying skills to boastful, ignorant boys on Tatooine. This feeling was different, full of power, full of invincibility, full of the darkest yet sweetest promises Luke had ever tasted. Not desperate or frightened or shameful. He was so much more the moment he embraced the anger brewing within. "Look at me now Father!" The boy shouted in dark exuberance. "I'm more powerful than even you!" Luke continued as his eyes went to the door of his cell. Eagerly the boy ran forward, ignoring his pained body. The pain was a part of him he could not escape and he had long accepted it as permanent extension of his existence.

Running out into the darkened corridors Luke did not stop, not once nor did he falter as he took in this new feeling, these new abilities. Fear gone, doubt gone, humiliation gone, helplessness gone. Through the Force his chains were being broken! Oh how his father had been so stupid to not let him feel this power, why couldn't he had known this sooner? Why couldn't he have tasted invincibility? His father was truly selfish, in every possible way. Where was he? Where was Vader? The boy wished only one thing now, to destroy him, to destroy the man who denied him such power and locked him away like a pet! Oh yes Luke saw through his father's mind now. He had been afraid, afraid that Luke's power would overwhelm his own! So he hid Luke in an oppressive atmosphere on Mustafar, and when Sidious took him Vader must have thought it was a good way to get rid of him and the power Vader feared so much, thinking his weak little son would die easily under Sidious' evil torture.

Well, he wasn't getting away with it, Luke would see his vengeance satisfied. Luke would show Vader all the pain he went through, he would take everything from Vader again! Just as everything and everyone had been stripped from Luke.
"Don't fear Erstin. I'm going to avenge you." Luke murmured, an ecstatic, wicked laugh filling the air in the next moment as the Force lashed out and broke down a door, leading Luke into a new chamber.

Eagerly he entered before his gaze only brought him confusion. What was this place? Where was he? The chamber was huge, and dimly lit. And many yards away, a staircase rose to a throne set atop. Luke frowned and slowly started forward, unafraid even as the Darkness grew around him. He cared not. The Darkness was a part of him, through it he could do anything! Be anything! This room did not frightened him as he slowly mounted the stairs, bare and bloodied feet silent on the smooth durasteel floors.

Finally he reached the top, tilting his head just a bit as he studied the throne. It had an ancient feel to it, despite the technological advancement in the arms of the chair. It was a hybrid then, of ancient design and modern technology. It must belong to Darth Sidious. His other tormentor. Oh, he ought to kill Sidious too now! Wring him by his pale neck! Gouge his eyes out, slit his belly open, torture him in every conceivable way!

"I thought you'd be grateful."

Luke spun around, his blood stained hands (one mechanical) balled into fists as he stared down the staircase at the hooded Sith Lord, his voice sending chills down Luke's naked back.

"Why would I ever be grateful to you? You imprisoned me, tortured me, you..." Luke shook his head, refusing to move as Sidious slowly approached him, til finally they stood before eachother, both silent save for Luke's breathing as it quickened harshly.

A sweet smile gently found it's way over Sidious' face. "A small price you had to pay, to know your true potential." He explained, as if torturing young men was only natural.

Luke watched Sidious with a frown, his fists lowered a small fraction. "I still fail to see how that should make me grateful to you!" He said angrily, only for Sidious to hold up a pale hand for silence.

"There is much you have yet to learn, little would-be Jedi. Have you not tasted the power of the Dark Side? Did you not kill you tormentors? Have you not been planning for revenge the moment you allowed yourself freedom? I can give you everything, now that you have felt the Dark Side. You can destroy Vader, you can end your suffering. You can have everything you desire... you can avenge... Erstin."

At Erstin's name mentioned Luke's fists finally fell to his side, a look full of wanting to know more falling over his bruised face. Sidious smirked and stepped closer to Luke, raising his withered hand again and resting it on Luke's cheek lightly.
"Yes, you will know vengeance, little Sith. Come, I have kept a gift for you." Sidious stated with a cruel smile, gesturing for Luke to come. And come the boy did.

They left the large chamber and headed onward through the hallways, til they came upon a cell door. With a wave of his hand Sidious opened it. And Luke felt his wrath boil.

Inside was the creature that had killed Erstin, who had taken Luke from his home in the first place, and had killed his last home in front of him. The creature stood still on order of it's master as Sidious smirked at Luke, offering him the hilt of a lightsaber. "It killed Erstin did it not? You seek revenge? Take a small taste now, destroy this dog and avenge Erstin's honor. Then, I will show you the true power of the Dark Side, and you will be able to kill your traitorous father."

Sidious' voice was like a sweet nectur to Luke's ears as the young boy took the saber, holding it in his palm for several seconds in contemplation. For Erstin, Erstin would want his honor avenged, he'd want Luke to find strength and power! Not fragility and weakness. The blade ignited in bright crimson red, the color speaking to Luke in great volumes. It was red like Luke's blood. It was red like Erstin's blood. It was red like the color of betrayal, it was powerful like the Dark Side. Red was vengeance.

Luke stepped into the cell, saber humming as he lifted it upwards, and swung now with all the raging anger in his soul coming out in that one swing, cleaving the creature in two and killing it instantly.

Luke Skywalker had turned.

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